Chapter Thirty Three - Beautiful.

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Temari sighed and picked up a pebble from the ground, she then proceeded to toss it up and successfully into the tree house window. Back at the Palace everyone was happy go lucky now the Princess was back, it was understandable of course but Temari didn't know her so she wasn't ecstatic. But it was excellent news.

"Oi Nara!" She shouted up to the tree house. But a while later people became curious as to where the Princess went, and Temari whittled it down to the tree house above her. She recalled meeting Shikamaru Nara before in the same place, also noticing on the tree trunk 'Ino-Shika-Cho.' So she had a pretty good idea of where the Princess was and Shikamaru.

"What?" His head popped out the window, he propped his elbows on the edge looking down with a tired expression. He was a cocky bastard so far.

Temari put a hand on her hip "I'm guessing your happy your friend is back but I don't know if you remembered there's that lunch thing happening..." She rolled her head around hanging onto the 'g' slowly until saying "now."

His eyes widened his slouched expression disappearing. He completely forgot.

Temari smirked, "I came to bring you and your friends back."

He just gave a hum in response then his head disappeared back inside, Temari listened to the muffled mutters and creaks in the tree house until the hatch opened. Temari watched as Shikamaru climbed down landing down on the ground. "Thanks."

"No problem." She shrugged. Then two others climbed down, one a larger man and the other a filthy looking Princess. Ino Yamanaka. Her dress was tattered and her hair was dirty.

Ino turned around and Temari's eyes widened in shock- she was completely beaming. It was a huge smile showing all her teeth, "hi I'm Ino!" She walked over to her and put out her hand. Usually Ino was more of a grumpy type but something came over her, she just was so happy.

Temari nodded slowly then put her hand in Ino's shaking. As she did so she studied Shikamaru and the larger man, the fat one was also overjoyed smiling and she could just see it, just from the naked eye. Temari believed that was the chef all the Kingdoms fought over. Shikamaru Nara had a slight smile on his face, even if he was still slouched over hands in his pockets.

She looked back to the Princess. Even if filthy she was beautiful. Temari's curiosity itched, was Shikamaru and Ino in love? "Anyway we should get going."

"We can just go this way it's faster." Shikamaru mentioned when Temari was about to take the usual public route.

"Fine." Temari breathed, she would have been foolish anyway to take the royal Princess through the Kingdom she would soon rule. And just returned too. The villagers would be all over her and Temari needed her back to the castle as soon as possible.

Temari and the others began their walk, she looked down to Ino's feet, she had no shoes on but still a slight skip in her step. Ino smiled "what's your name?"


"I know that name somewhere..." Ino muttered.

Choji answered "Temari is the Princess of the Sand Kingdom."

Ino gasped "that's it! It's a pleasure to meet you then, you're really beautiful, I'd bet you would be an amazing Queen." Ino inched closer to Temari. Ino really wasn't one to dish out compliments, but it was a glorious day.

Temari's eyes widened, pretty. She never really thought of herself as beautiful, no one had ever called her pretty in her life. It somehow made her slightly tense, but then release. Then she realized the compliment made her happy.

Her, Temari, the cold stubborn Princess who rarely wore dresses unless an event or absolutely necessary. A beautiful Princess wore elegant dresses and had long free flowing glowing hair. But this woman next to her believed her pretty. Even though Temari walked in a tunic and trousers with boots, even if her hair was tied in two bunches, even though she was acting stubborn.

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