Chapter Fifteen - Midnight Strikes.

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Sasuke said "walk with me?"

"Where are we going?" Sakura asked.

"Just out to walk." Sasuke let go of her and walked through the dancing, expertly dodging past women who tried to dance with him or talk to him. She followed him as he walked to make a left through two doors that went to a small room with a pine table. He then nodded to the two guards and opened another set of doors that led outside.

Sakura stepped out and raised her eyebrows "your gardens are huge." Before her was a long hedge garden like a maze, then grass stretched out left and right. There was flowers within the hedges- roses to be precise.

He walked into the pathway with the hedges and she walked quietly next to him looking around the gardens, then he made a right, and Sakura joked "I hope you know your way out of here."

"I do." Sasuke nodded.

"Actually I had a question." Sakura stated, it was cool from the night air, "about Corona?"

"Corona? What do you want to know?"

"Do you go to the lanterns?"

"I go every year, for the missing Princess." Sasuke said a hand placed in his pocket, "why do you want to know this?"

Sakura explained "well I'm going this year." It wasn't exactly said she would but she'd probably just climb out her window and go... she would take a million beatings just to go to the lanterns event, "so did you know Ino?"

"The Princess Yamanaka? You knew her?" Sasuke said confused.

"We were best friends when we were little." Sakura smiled looking away at the roses, Ino would have adored this type of place with the glorious aroma of roses and beautiful scenery. 

"I met her a few times for royal events." Sasuke trailed off, actually she always tried to get him away to a secret room to talk. It was strange. And kind of annoying. But other than that she was a nice girl from what he could remember in his adolescence. 

Sakura nodded. "I miss her a lot, and I will be there." She clenched her fists, Sasuke peered, her veins at her wrists protruded slightly, that showed strength.

He studied Sakura, her green eyes filled with confidence, the moonlight shining over her pink hair and she looked up at the moon. She was beautiful, he wouldn't of course tell her that, he wasn't one for expressing his feelings so largely.

"Tell me about yourself."

Sakura blinked "me?"

"Things about you." He shrugged.

"Well..." Sakura thought "I live in a farmhouse, but it's a very nice one, with my Step-Mother and two step-sisters. My Mother died when I was young and my Father died two days ago."

"Two days?" Sasuke stated "I'm sorry." Wasn't that when he met her running off on her horse? She seemed distressed when he saw her galloping away, was that the reason behind it?

Sakura shrugged "it's not your fault." She smiled "he was a kind man, he had awful jokes though, one day when I was in a bad mood because Ino said I had a big forehead he picked up some salt on the dinner table and said 'well Ino shouldn't be so salty.'" Sakura laughed to herself "they were really bad."

"They sound like it." Sasuke had a small smile.

"He was a merchant, always bringing me pretty things back from his travels. After my Mother died a few years later he married my Step-Mother bringing my two step-sisters too, Kin and Tayuya. But then he went on a long journey, so I've been living with them for ten years." Sakura made a slight expression that suggested she wasn't too fond of them.

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