Chapter Four - Can I Have A Bite?

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Naruto crouched on his horse Kurama riding up and down at the speed Kurama went at, they always enjoyed a gallop in the forest. His bright orange cape flapped against the wind and his blonde hair was brushed back, trees zoomed past his vision. He was actually heading towards the Uchiha Kingdom, to meet Sasuke. He also had a letter from his Father Minato- The King with him to give to Fugaku.

Naruto braced as Kurama leaped over a tree trunk then he gripped the reins as he reeled backwards but pushed back on the foot holds of the saddle. They usually took this route whenever he rode to see Sasuke. They came out to a clearing and Naruto narrowed his eyes when he saw a woman walking at the side of the road with a basket of apples in her hands.

There was a loud croak and Naruto looked up seeing a raven perched on a branch, he blinked and it was gone? Naruto shrugged it off, only a raven.

From what he could see her dress looked tattered and her arms slightly dirty, he guessed she wasn't noble then. But her hair- it was like coal, it stretched down to her hips and swished at each step she made, his lips tugged into a smirk when he saw she had hunting boots on her feet. He spotted her peek behind her shoulder looking at him but then quickly look away.

Naruto pulled the reins and slowed Kurama into a trot then neared to the woman, he turned looking down at her.  When he looked at her he was surprised she wasn't a Princess, she had the beauty of one. Her skin was white like snow and lips red like a rose, her eyes were white- he furrowed his brows. The woman kind of looked like...

"It's not safe for a pretty woman like yourself to be in the forest alone." He grinned his whiskers turning up.

She smiled "thank you, but I'm not far from home." Her cheeks were tinted red but it was like she was avoiding his blue eyes. Her voice was quiet, she reminded him of a tiny bird- fragile.

He felt like introducing himself, but everyone knew the name Naruto Uzumaki as the Prince of the Uzumaki kingdom. And he didn't want to scare the woman away, but she had a face that looked like she already knew him? "Can I have a bite?"

Hinata blushed and looked confused "w-what?"

He smiled pointing a finger at the basket of apples resting on the crook of her arm, "apples have always been my favourite fruit."

"Me too." Hinata smiled and picked up a rich red apple from her basket and stretched her arm out handing it to him. He grinned and took it their hands slightly brushing make Hinata flinch making her face even redder.

Naruto chuckled then took a large bite from the apple savoring the sweet taste, a large crunch sounding in the quiet forest. Kurama had fully stopped while Hinata did too and reached out to stroke his nose. He blinked "Kurama doesn't usually like people."

Kurama was a chestnut coloured horse, Naruto had met him as a birthday present from as long as he could remember. They had grew up together- most said a dog was a man's best friend but Naruto would say a horse is his best friend. Well Sasuke too was his best friend. Hinata smiled "he's a beautiful horse." Kurama let out a low neigh like a whisper of gratitude.

Naruto admired the woman, then he recalled the ball the Uchiha Kingdom was holding a ball, Naruto was pissed that he found out from a piece of parchment nailed to tree informing the land of the ball. He would annoy Sasuke about that when he got to him. "Are you attending the ball?"

"I'm not sure." She had a small sigh, "I might be busy."

Naruto peered, it looked like she wanted to go but maybe had some type of issue "I should be there, it would be fun if you came along too."

She smiled "thank you."

"I really feel like I know you? Have we met some time before?" Naruto frowned, there was just something about her that was so familiar. Like they had met before...

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