Chapter Twenty Six - Best Friends.

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"Come on." He turned away walking onto the wooden deck reaching to untie the rope from the boat.

Ino followed after him until a hand slammed over her mouth, her eyes widened and she kicked away making a large scream before his hand fully pushed over her mouth. Sai turned "Ino!" Ino grabbed at the large hand over her mouth trying to pull it away.

"Nice to see you two fuckers again!"


Hidan had large hands, it covered half of her face as Ino clawed it trying to even dig her nails into his skin but they were too bitten down. Being alone in a tower could lead to gaining some habits that wouldn't go down. His hand smelled like iron, it was like the smell you got when you walked into a weapons shop or a blacksmiths.

Ino started to thrash around until his other arm circled around her waist roughly- he was too strong for her to get free. She tried to pull her mouth open to bite him but his hand was hard over her mouth- and nose so it was hard to breathe.

Sai looked furious, he went to help her but Deidara cut in towards her first then there was a slight gleam reflecting on the moonlight- a dagger. Deidara said "Gothel may be dead but you two got us damn stuck in some watering hole almost drowning. So we decided on revenge, hm."

Sai had his crossbow pointed out moving slightly from Hidan to Deidara. He couldn't bring himself to try shoot Hidan, even if he had a perfect shot he was way too cautious about hitting Ino.

Ino's eyes widened in fear but still tried wriggling around, Hidan was cold- actually freezing against her. Her stomach had completely dropped in fear when the dagger Deidara was holding then pressed against her neck. The cool sharp blade gently on her small neck- and if Ino or Sai did anything wrong the blade would cut deep and slit her throat.

She wasn't trembling though, she was annoyed. To finally be in Corona and about to see the lanterns to be ruined by these two? No- she wasn't scared she was furious. But still even her rage couldn't help her fight two men.

"I think we'll kill the pretty one first. Hm."

Hidan grinned "yeah and the annoying pale shit can watch!"

"I can shoot you know." Sai hissed pointing his crossbow, a slight breeze hitting them making the calm water sway onto the shore slightly.

"But we have a human shield too." Hidan pulled Ino up against him gesturing to her as the shield, Ino was coming up with ways to get out of his grasp.

Sai glared but didn't say anything, he looked tense like a statue. This seemed to be a tricky situation for him. Ino had never seen him look so enraged- his nostrils were flaring and daggers were being glared at the two men. The face actually scared even herself. Ino was used to seeing a calm face, warm face, smiling face, solemn face- just a soothing face that made her feel happy.

"Don't hurt her." Sai said..

Hidan's hand that was over her mouth pulled away instead grabbing a fistful of her hair and yanking making her scream in pain. Her breathing was heavy, she was gulping air after having her nose and mouth covered. She raised her hands by her hair trying to make him let go of her hair, but he wouldn't budge. "Let go!" Ino shouted.

Ino didn't say any more as she felt the dagger press deeper against her throat, Deidara said "time for you to die, hm."

"No!" Sai shouted.

Ino began to shake when she saw his maniac like face about to cut, Ino squeezed her eyes shut and waited for it to all be over. But she heard the sound of an arrow, and then felt the dagger pull away hesitantly. She felt Hidan let go of her hair and waist then heard a crumple.

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