Chapter Twenty Four - A Strange Day.

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Hinata, Naruto, Neji and Hanabi returned to the Uchiha palace, Naruto said going to his Palace in the other Kingdom wouldn't be a good decision. And they would all be heading out to Corona very soon to see the lanterns for the missing Princess.

They were currently sitting at a table in the dining room, Fugaku and Mikoto were also with them. Hinata and Hanabi were catching up with Neji, Naruto was sitting by Shikamaru talking over what happened to him.

"Your grace!" A guard burst into the dining room making heads swivel.

Fugaku frowned "what is it?"

"Your sons have returned, and Prince Sasuke with his new wife." The guard smiled then stepped away from the door.

Mikoto stood up "is it the pink haired woman?"

Hinata frowned "pink haired woman...? Could that be... Sakura?"

Naruto looked at her "you know her?"

She couldn't reply because the doors opened distracting her, Itachi entered first going over to Shikamaru and Naruto, then Sasuke came in with Sakura Haruno behind her. She looked nervous, very nervous.

"Sakura-san!" Hinata exclaimed.

Sakura looked up and frowned "Hinata? Hinata!" She looked around then her eyes landed on a shocked Shikamaru, they had knew each other as children "Shikamaru!"

"Sakura?" Shikamaru questioned. He had always considered Sakura as the girl who was friends with Ino, also the one that danced with Sasuke being called 'pink haired woman' perked his suspucions. But he wasn't sure. Now his thoughts were definite. It was Sakura.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes "you know her?" He walked over to him and Naruto, there was so many questions he had. Like how they knew each other. Like how Naruto and Neji retrieving the missing Princesses was. But that question was answered when he saw two girls at the table who looked a lot like Neji.

Sakura ran over to Shikamaru and grinned "it's been so long!" Hinata had rounded the table too and Sakura greeted her "Hinata!" Sakura grinned and hugged her friend happily.

"How do you know her?" Naruto asked Hinata.

"We've been friends for a while." Hinata replied.

"And how do you know her?" Sasuke asked Shikamaru.

"We were friends when we were kids." It was more through Ino, when he and Choji became friends with Ino Ino had introduced them to Sakura. He always remembered her as a young girl with a red ribbon in her hair and green dress.

Sasuke decided to sit by Neji, Neji would fill him in on all of the missing details.

"So you're the one marrying my son."

Sakura turned and saw the King and Queen standing before her, she gasped and bowed her head "it's a pleasure to meet you." Her knees were shaking, she was standing before the King and Queen! Sakura processed everyone in the room. There was Hinata her friend, Hanabi Hinata's little sister, Neji who she guessed was their family, Prince Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru the Prince's adviser, Prince Itachi Uchiha, Prince Sasuke her soon to be husband, the Queen Mikoto and the King Fugaku. It was a lot to handle.

"I've been so excited to meet you!" Mikoto exclaimed, she reached out grabbing Sakura's wrist and pulled her into a hug. "You are so gorgeous! And beautiful! Perfect!" Sakura's mouth was open as Mikoto squeezed the life out of her, she looked over Mikoto's shoulder to see Sasuke watching her with a smirk. She didn't expect her meeting with the Queen to be anything like this.

"Dear I think you're making her lose breath." Fugaku warned.

Mikoto pulled away "sorry she's just so perfect!" She reached forwards picking a lock of her pink hair "your hair is so beautiful too."

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