Chapter Thirty Five - A Sad Ending?

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The Kingdom was rejoicing, for their new Princess had returned. It still continued it's second day of celebtrations. Tenten was stood in her room she was getting her things and gathering them into a satchel. It was time for her to leave, the day she spent in Corona was amazing, the dancing in the Kingdom, the food, meeting Hinata and Hanabi and most of all Neji talking to her and never leaving her alone like a lost puppy.

But there was always Temari who she could talk to. Temari kept on teasing her about Neji and what was going on with that, she just changed the subject. Tenten needed to get back to the shop, back to her village, the shop had been unoccupied for two days now. And she doubted Genma was watching it.

This was no place for a simple commoner. Even though she did consider Sakura and Sai as commoners too, not of nobility. But they practically were now, Sakura was engaged to the Prince and Sai was friends with all the royal nobility, everyone knew him, and he was romantically involved with Princess Ino.

And then Tenten floated around like a bad smell. Even if Neji was with here as her 'friend' she was still just a common villager.

She wrapped her red cloak around her body hooking the clip together as it rested against her collar, then she put the leather satchel over her body then left the bed chambers. Tenten decided against thanking the King and Queen for providing her a room, they would be too busy the Ino.

"Where are you going?"

Tenten turned seeing Hinata standing by the stairs, Tenten had a blank expression. "I'm leaving."

"What? Why?" Hinata walked down to face her. She put her hands behind her back looking concerned.

"I've got to go, I don't really have a place here."

Hinata shook her head "that's not true! Neji-niisan enjoys having you here, so do I!" Hinata added "Hanabi really likes you too."

Tenten smiled "I like her too. But I've got to go, I can't just stay in Corona forever." Tenten tilted her head "but thank you for being so nice." Even if she had said to Neji on her rooftop they would see each other a lot it couldn't happen, she wasn't as lucky as Sakura with Sasuke. She had a home back at the snow village. To royalty such as himself, she would only burden him and his soon to be new Kingdom.

"But what about Neji-niisan? Are you going to say goodbye to him?"

Tenten shook her head tightly holding the strap "no... No he doesn't need someone like me troubling him. Please don't tell him I've left, he'll realise eventually. When he does tell him thank you for everything, I hope he finds someone nice." Not her, someone else. Gods, she hated the idea of Neji with someone else. But this was the right thing to do, he didn't need her as some extra baggage.

"But you love him? And you're leaving him?" Hinata shook her head "that isn't right! I'm sure Neji-niisan loves you too so why leave him?"

Tenten shrugged her face tight, "sometime's love can be a bitch."

Hinata sighed, she couldn't argue with her decision as much as she hated it, "please visit us sometimes."

"I don't think I will I'm sorry, but I'm leaving the land." Tenten nodded, seeing Hinata's shocked face. Tenten doubted she would visit though, she didn't even want to be in the Snow village anymore honestly. Maybe her new home would be in another land, Tenten pulled away. She just needed to leave. Maybe even start up her weapons shop in another land. She wanted a new fresh start.

"Goodbye." Tenten turned away walking out of the Palace, she breathed out a shaky breath but continued. A plan forming inside her mind, she had enough money for a boat travel, she would go back to her village get some things say goodbyes, then leave. Genma was moving on with his lover, her Grandmother was a dead wolf, Neji was becoming a King.

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