-||Chapter Six||-

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"This house doesn't feel like home anymore."

"Fire! Fire!" A voice shouted throughout the walls of flames. Jongho struggled his way through the rubble of the burnt house which he once knew as his home. "The whole building is going to collapse!"

"Jongho!" Shouts and screams surged its way around him, his small body squeezing through the flames. The feeling of burn wrapped around his body like a thick blanket. His eyes shut as he crawled, a burning cough escaping him, yet he kept on going.

"My boy! He's still in there! Go and save him, please." A female voice rang in his head, he plugged his ears with his fingers and he stood up from the pile on top of him. He finally opened his eyes and looked around, a yellow flash towered over him like a snake. It's fiery orange fangs opening to take a bite.

He heard sirens, a woman screaming from outside. He saw nothing but flames which engulfed everything around him. He thought he was going to die, he knew he was going to. He ran towards the end of the hallway which knocked him down to the floor, his breathing heavy as he crawled back up. He reached the door to his left, his bedroom. Its flames are like a scorpion's tail, latching onto everything like a sting of venom.

He pushed through, feeling the burn graze his hands which covered his mouth. He reached a window, its darkness showed the reflection of hell. He slammed his hands against the glass, screaming at last. He begged for it to smash.

"He's in here!" Someone behind him shouted, but he kept screaming and banging his hand against the glass. He saw blood accumulate on it, a hand latched into his shoulder. It was cold, padded even. "I've got you. You're okay!" The voice began carrying him away quickly.

"My boy!" The female cried again, he met the moonlight's dark gaze upon him. The flames in front of him resembled what used to be his, a house now bound to hell. "My sweet boy."

"Mum!" He shouted, pushing past everyone who tried helping him. He crashed into his mother, feeling the warmth of her arms wrap around him. He cried deep into her arms. "I'm so sorry.."

"It's okay.. it's okay.." her voice sounded, that was all he could hear, all he wanted to hear. He felt himself grow numb, his mind blanked as his eyes shut. He felt like he was falling.

He opened his eyes, meeting a bright white room. He looked around slowly as a headache remained in his head, he met eyes with a doctor.

"You're awake?" He spoke, his voice so angelic and pure. Jongho only remembered one other whose voice shone like his, his mother. "You were twitching quite a lot there."

"I'm okay.." he said, brushing the thoughts away as he stared at him. His hair was jet black and curled neatly around his ears, parts of it hung over his dark eyes which Jongho felt like he could get lost in, "Just a dream."

"I'd call that a nightmare, you know?"

"Nonsense.." he grumbled lightly with defeat as he sat up slowly, he felt a hand guide his arm. Warm and gentle. "How long was I out?"

"A day at least," he replied. Jongho looked down at his name tag which shone in bold yellow. Yeosang. "Maybe longer but I've only just been called in to look after you."

"Is everyone else okay? Is Yunho alright? Did the others make it?"

"Yunho's alright." Yeosang calmed him down, "but he said that the others.. couldn't." That sentence broke him, his eyes teared up ever so slightly as he let it all sink in. His friends had died because of him.

"Did any of them even get here?" He asked, Yeosang shook his head. His black hair shuffled beautifully along his face. He felt a warm water drop land on his hands, he looked down and realised he was crying. Uncontrollably crying. "I couldn't even help them.."

"It's okay, Jongho.." he reassured, his arm wrapping around him tightly and Jongho rested his head against him. His eyes soaking the fabrics of his clothes. "I'm here.. it's okay."

"I should've been able to save them!.. those fucking monsters took them away.." he cried, not a pretty cry. More of one where you'd have red eyes and a runny nose. Jongho didn't care, "It's my fault.."

"Oh no, it's not." Yeosangs calm voice muffled gently into his ear, like how his mother used to. He managed to control his breathing, he flung his arms around Yeosang and drew him closer. His head burrowed into his neck and his fingers dug into his back. Yeosang held him with comfort.

"I'm sorry.." he mumbled through wobbles, "I'm so sorry."

"You have nothing to apologise for."

"I should've been able to save them." Jongho protested, his cry's turned into small sobs and he held onto Yeosang like a kid hugging his mother.

"It's not anyones job to save everyone." Yeosang sighed, Jongho closed his eyes and felt the wetness of his eyelashes against his skin. "I would know."

They stayed like that for a small while, embracing the silence of the room which was empty except them two. All of the patients had been moved out. Jongho pulled away.

"Thank you.."

"It's what anyone would've done." Yeosang smiled, an angel's smile. "It's normal." Jongho hummed lightly, wiping his eyes with his arms. He looked down at himself.

"You had an artery that was clogged up so we drained it out, your free to go whenever." Yeosang mumbled. "I recently found out that we share a tent together with some others, Yunho's there as well."

"That's nice.." Jongho smiled, "I was recently given a new role in the patrols so that must explain it."

"Must be."

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