-||Forty One||-

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"Is this the way it ends now?"

As Jongho carefully adjusted his grip on Yeosang, he could feel the warmth radiating from his friend's body, a stark contrast to the cool air surrounding them. Yeosang's head rested against Jongho's shoulder, his breath shallow and labored, a reminder of how unwell he was. The forest loomed ahead, a dense wall of trees that seemed to swallow the sunlight, casting eerie shadows on the ground.

"How much further?" Yeosang asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Jongho glanced back at him, concern etched on his face.

"Not much longer," he replied, trying to sound reassuring, though he felt a knot of anxiety tightening in his stomach. The path ahead twisted and turned, the underbrush thickening as they ventured deeper into the woods. Wooyoung and San trailed behind, their chatter a distant echo, while Seongwha and Hongjoong led the way, their figures barely visible through the thickening foliage.

As they walked, Jongho couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The usual sounds of the forest—the rustling leaves, the chirping birds—were eerily absent. It felt too quiet, almost as if the world around them was holding its breath. He glanced over his shoulder at Wooyoung and San, who were engaged in a hushed conversation, their expressions serious.

"Are you okay?" Jongho asked, sensing Yeosang's unease.

"Yeah, just... it feels strange here," Yeosang admitted, his eyes scanning the trees. "Like we're being watched."

Jongho nodded. Yeosang shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable. "Maybe it's just the sickness messing with your head," Jongho suggested, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Maybe," Jongho replied, though he couldn't shake the feeling. He pressed on, determined to get Yeosang to safety. The further they ventured into the forest, the more the atmosphere seemed to change, thickening with an unspoken tension.

"Stay close," Seongwha called back, his voice steady and calm, a stark contrast to the unease that had settled over Jongho. Hongjoong nodded in agreement, his brows furrowed in concentration as he led the group forward.

"Do you think we'll find anything interesting here?" Wooyoung asked, trying to break the silence. His voice echoed slightly, but it did little to ease the tension.

"Maybe some herbs or something," San replied, his tone thoughtful. "But I hope we don't run into any wild animals."

"Or zombies," Jongho added with a nervous chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. Yeosang let out a small laugh, but it quickly turned into a cough, causing Jongho to frown in concern.

"Just focus on getting better, okay?" Jongho said softly, adjusting Yeosang on his back. "I've got you."

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't drop me," Yeosang teased weakly, but Jongho could hear the underlying worry in his voice.

"Never. I promise," Jongho replied, a chuckle in his words. He took a deep breath, pushing aside his worries for Yeosang. As they continued, the trees closed in around them, their branches intertwining like fingers, creating a natural tunnel that seemed to lead them deeper into the unknown.

The silence grew heavier, and Jongho felt a shiver run down his spine. "Guys, does anyone else feel like it's too quiet?" he asked, breaking the silence again.

"Yeah, it's kind of creepy," Wooyoung admitted, glancing around nervously. "I don't like it."

"Maybe it's just the time of day," San suggested, though he didn't sound convinced. "It is getting late."

"Let's just keep moving," Hongjoong said firmly, leading the way with purpose. "We'll find a clearing soon."

Jongho nodded, but he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He felt as if they were being watched, the trees standing sentinel over their path. "Do you think we should turn back?" he asked, his voice low.

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