-||Chapter Thirty One||-

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"I was afraid to lose you."

Seongwha sat at the long conference table, the sterile fluorescent lights flickering above him as the emergency sirens blared relentlessly outside. The sound pierced through the tension in the room, a constant reminder of the chaos unfolding beyond the walls. He glanced around at the other leaders, their faces a mixture of concern and determination. Everyone was trying to maintain composure, but the anxiety was palpable.

"Alright, we need to stay focused," San said, his voice cutting through the cacophony. He stood up, his posture radiating authority despite the circumstances. "We can't let this situation overwhelm us. We need to regroup and make a plan." The urgency in his tone prompted the others to nod in agreement, and Seongwha felt a flicker of hope. They had faced challenges before, but this felt different—more intense, more desperate.

"Follow me," San instructed, leading them all towards the staircase. The sirens continued to wail, drowning out their footsteps as they ascended. Seongwha's heart raced, but he pushed aside his fears, focusing instead on the task at hand. When they reached the roof, the cold air hit them like a slap, a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere of the meeting room. Yeosang and Yunho were already there, their expressions grim.

As Seongwha stepped onto the roof, he noticed Yeosang hunched over, gasping for breath. A wave of guilt washed over him. "Yeosang!" he called out, rushing to his side. The younger leader was gagging, struggling to catch his breath amidst the chaos. Seongwha felt a pang of helplessness; he wanted to do something, anything, to alleviate Yeosang's distress.

"Stay with me, Yeosang," Seongwha urged, placing a steadying hand on his back. "Just breathe. We're all here for you." His voice was calm, but inside, he was anything but. The weight of their situation pressed down on him, but he knew he had to be strong for his friends. Yunho moved closer, offering support as they both tried to help Yeosang regain his composure.

The sirens continued to wail, but in that moment, Seongwha focused on the bond they shared. They were leaders, yes, but they were also friends.

Seongwha stood at the edge of the roof, the wind tousling his hair as he glanced back at Hongjoong, whose eyes were wide with desperation. "I can lead them away, they won't hurt me."

"You can't do this, Seongwha! There has to be another way!" Hongjoong's voice trembled, filled with a mixture of fear and urgency. "I can't lose you."

Seongwha took a deep breath, steadying himself. "I have to lead them away. It's the only way for you all to escape. I'll be okay. Trust me." His voice was calm, but there was a determination in his gaze that Hongjoong couldn't ignore. "I love you.." The others were already gathering at the back of the roof, their faces painted with worry, but San stepped forward, his expression resolute.

"Come on, we need to go now!" San urged, glancing nervously at the horde below. With a final look at Hongjoong, Seongwha nodded and prepared himself. He jumped down from the ledge, landing with a quiet thud on the ground. The zombies, drawn by the noise, turned their attention towards him, but they didn't attack. Instead, they seemed to recognize him as one of their own.

"Hey! Over here!" Seongwha shouted, his voice echoing in the eerie silence. The zombies turned, their vacant eyes fixated on him as they shuffled closer. He could feel their presence, the coldness of their bodies, but he pushed the fear aside. Seongwha was determined to lead them away from his friends. "Come and fucking get me!"

As he moved away from the roof, he shouted again, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Follow me you bastards!" The zombies screeched, their instinct to chase the sound of a human voice overpowering their confusion. Seongwha could hear the distant calls of hongjoong urging him to come back, but he didn't look back. He focused on the path ahead, leading the horde away from the escape route.

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