-||Chapter Twenty Nine||-

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"You deserved the chance to Survive."

Mingi stood outside Hongjoong's office, his heart racing with a mix of anxiety and urgency. He raised his hand and knocked on the door, the sound echoing in the quiet hallway. A moment later, the door swung open, revealing Seongwha with a curious expression. Mingi couldn't help but notice the closeness between both Seongwha and Hongjoong, the way Seongwha's smile lingered just a moment too long, making his stomach twist with an uncomfortable feeling.

"Hey, Mingi," Seongwha greeted, his tone friendly yet slightly guarded. "What brings you here?"

Mingi hesitated, glancing past Seongwha into the office. He couldn't shake the thought that there was something more than friendship between Hongjoong and Seongwha. The way they interacted, the subtle glances and shared laughter—it all painted a picture that made Mingi's mind race. He pushed the thought aside, focusing on the urgency of his message. "I need to speak to Hongjoong," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Seongwha stepped aside, allowing Mingi to enter the office. "He's in the back, but I can call him if you need," he offered, his eyes flickering with concern.

Mingi shook his head, taking a deep breath as he entered the office. "No, it's fine. I just... I need to talk to him now." He felt the weight of his words pressing down on him, the gravity of the situation hanging in the air like a storm cloud.

As he approached Hongjoong, who was seated at his desk, Mingi's heart sank. "Hongjoong," he began, his voice low and tense. "It's about Changbin." He paused, the words feeling heavy on his tongue. "He was bitten... and he's dead."

The room fell silent, the atmosphere thick with shock. Mingi watched as Hongjoong's expression shifted from confusion to disbelief, and then to a deep, pained sorrow. Seongwha's eyes widened, and he stepped closer, concern etched on his face.

"Are you sure?" Hongjoong asked, his voice barely above a whisper, as if saying it out loud would make it too real.

Mingi nodded, his heart aching for his friend. "I saw it happen. He didn't make it. We need to figure out what to do next."

The weight of the news hung heavily between them, and Mingi could feel the tension rising as they all processed the loss. In that moment, the unspoken connection between Hongjoong and Seongwha faded into the background, overshadowed by the urgency of their current crisis.

Hongjoong stood up abruptly, his chair scraping against the floor. "This can't be happening," he muttered, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "We need to act fast."

Seongwha's face paled, and he glanced between Mingi and Hongjoong. "What do you mean? Was he infected?"

Mingi swallowed hard, the reality of the situation hitting him like a wave. "Yes, he was bitten during the supply run. He.. he turned before we could do anything."

Seongwha's breath hitched, and he took a step back, leaning against the doorframe for support. "We have to warn everyone."

Hongjoong cut him off, his voice sharp and commanding. "We can't panic. We need to gather everyone and figure out a plan. We can't let this spread any further."

Mingi nodded, feeling the adrenaline coursing through him. "I'll help. We can start by checking the perimeter and making sure everyone is aware of the situation."

Seongwha straightened, determination replacing the shock on his face. "I'll gather the others. We need to be prepared for anything."

As they moved into action, Mingi couldn't shake the feeling of dread that loomed over them. The loss of Changbin weighed heavily on his heart, and the thought of what could happen next sent chills down his spine. He glanced at Hongjoong, who was already strategizing their next steps, his expression focused and resolute.

"Gather the leaders, and San. He's leading the protectors for now," Hongjoong instructed, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him. "We'll assess the situation and make sure everyone knows what to do. We can't let fear dictate our actions."

Mingi felt a surge of respect for Hongjoong in that moment. Despite the chaos, he was a leader, and Mingi was grateful to have him by their side.

Mingi leaned against the cold, stone wall of the meeting room, watching the tension in the air thicken like an impending storm. The flickering candles cast shadows across the faces of the leaders gathered around the long, worn table. Hongjoong stood at the head, his voice steady and commanding as he addressed the group. Beside him, the figure of their most powerful leader loomed, now reduced to a zombie, a shell of the formidable presence he once was. The sight sent a chill down Mingi's spine, reminding him of the stakes they faced.

"Everyone, we need to focus on what we can do to contain this situation," Hongjoong said, his tone firm but laced with an underlying concern. "We can't let panic dictate our actions. We must strategize carefully." His eyes scanned the room, landing on each leader in turn, gauging their reactions. Mingi could see the fear etched on their faces, the uncertainty about how to proceed in the wake of such chaos.

San sat quietly next to Wooyoung, their expressions unreadable as they absorbed the gravity of the situation. Mingi could sense the weight of their thoughts, the unspoken fears that hung heavily in the air. Wooyoung occasionally exchanged glances with San, a silent communication that spoke volumes. Mingi felt a pang of sympathy for them; the pressure to make the right decision was palpable, and he knew how much they cared about the outcome.

Jongho, on the other hand, was visibly stressed, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt as he listened intently to Hongjoong's words. Mingi could see the beads of sweat forming on Jongho's brow, a testament to the pressure that weighed on him. "What if he attacks us?" Jongho finally voiced, his voice shaky. "We can't underestimate him, even in this state." His concern resonated with the others, and Mingi felt a sense of urgency in the room.

But it was Seongwha that caught Mingi's attention most. He observed the way Seongwha leaned slightly towards Hongjoong, their heads nearly touching as they whispered back and forth. There was an intimacy in their exchange that Mingi hadn't noticed before, a bond that seemed to transcend mere friendship. Mingi's heart raced as he considered the implications. Was there something more between them? The thought stirred a mix of curiosity and protectiveness within him. He shook his head slightly, trying to focus on the discussion at hand, but the image of Hongjoong and Seongwha together lingered in his mind, complicating his thoughts about the meeting and the challenges they faced ahead.

"Seongwha, what do you think?" Hongjoong asked, breaking Mingi's train of thought. The room fell silent, all eyes turning to Seongwha, who seemed momentarily taken aback by the sudden attention. Mingi could see the way Seongwha's cheeks flushed slightly, a hint of vulnerability that contrasted with his usual composure.

"I believe we need to find a way to stabilise the medical facility first," Seongwha finally replied, his voice steady despite the tension. "If we can understand what's happening to that, we might be able to reverse some of the effects." There was a determination in his gaze that struck Mingi, a resolve that spoke to his character.

Hongjoong nodded, clearly impressed. "Exactly. If we can gather more information, perhaps we can devise a plan that doesn't involve outright confrontation." He turned to the others, his expression serious. "We need volunteers to investigate the source of this transformation."

Mingi felt a surge of adrenaline at Hongjoong's words. This was their chance to take control of the situation, to show that they were more than just a group of leaders—they were a team. He stepped forward, raising his hand. "I'll go. I want to help find a solution." His voice rang out with conviction, and he noticed the surprised looks from his comrades.

"Me too," San said, his voice steady as he joined Mingi. Wooyoung followed suit, nodding in agreement. Mingi felt a sense of camaraderie swell in the room, a shared resolve to face the unknown together.

As the discussions continued, Mingi couldn't shake the feeling that something deeper was brewing between Hongjoong and Seongwha. The way they interacted, the subtle glances and the quiet confidence they shared, hinted at a connection that went beyond friendship. It made Mingi wonder about the dynamics of their group, about how relationships could shift in times of crisis.

The meeting dragged on, strategies being discussed, plans being formed, but Mingi found it increasingly difficult to concentrate. His mind kept wandering back to Hongjoong and Seongwha, imagining the conversations they must have had when no one was watching. We're they closer than what he had thought?

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