-||Chapter Thirty Five||-

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"something changed in me that day."

Wooyoung and San moved cautiously through the dense woods, shadows dancing around them as the moonlight filtered through the canopy overhead. The darkness was their ally, allowing them to remain hidden from the lurking dangers that roamed the night—zombies, once human, now reduced to mindless husks driven by hunger. They followed Mingi and Yunho, their silhouettes barely visible ahead, navigating the twisted roots and underbrush with practiced ease.

As they walked, Wooyoung found himself glancing up at the stars, their distant twinkling a stark contrast to the grim reality they faced. Memories of the camp flooded his mind, the laughter of friends now silenced, the vibrant life that once thrived there reduced to haunting echoes. How was he still alive when everyone he cared about was gone? The thought gnawed at him, a heavy weight on his chest. He felt a chill that had nothing to do with the cool night air.

San, sensing Wooyoung's turmoil, reached over and gently took his hand, their fingers intertwining. The simple gesture grounded him, reminding him that he wasn't alone in this fight. "We'll make it through this," San whispered, his voice steady and reassuring. Wooyoung nodded, but the unease lingered, the silence around them stretching out, amplifying his fears.

As they approached the decaying walls of the camp, a sense of foreboding settled over them. The camp, once a safe haven, now stood as a grim reminder of what had been lost. The walls were crumbling, overrun by nature and neglect, and an eerie quiet enveloped the area. It was too quiet—no sounds of wildlife, no rustling leaves, just the oppressive stillness that made Wooyoung's heart race.

Mingi and Yunho paused at the entrance, scanning the area for any signs of life—or death. Wooyoung felt a shiver run down his spine as he peered into the darkness beyond the walls. Memories of chaos and screams echoed in his mind, and he squeezed San's hand tighter, seeking comfort in his presence.

"Stay close," Mingi instructed, his voice low but firm. "We don't know what we'll find in there." Wooyoung nodded, determination mixing with fear as they stepped through the threshold, entering the ghostly remnants of their past. The air was thick with the scent of decay, and every step felt like a journey deeper into a nightmare.

As they moved further into the camp, the shadows seemed to close in around them. Wooyoung's heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing in his ears. He stole a glance at San, who met his gaze with a reassuring smile, a flicker of hope amidst the despair. Together, they would uncover the truth of what had happened here, facing whatever horrors lay ahead. With each step, Wooyoung vowed to honour the memories of those lost, fighting not just for survival, but for the future they all deserved.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the makeshift camp, Wooyoung, San, Yunho, and Mingi approached the weaponry tent with a mix of anticipation and caution. The tent was dimly lit, the flickering light revealing an array of weapons strewn about haphazardly.

Yunho stepped inside first, his eyes scanning the cluttered space. He spotted a small gun resting on a shelf, its metallic surface gleaming in the low light. He picked it up, feeling the weight of it in his hand. As he inspected it, he noticed there were only two bullets left in the chamber, and the rest of the ammo was nowhere to be found. A frown crossed his face as he realised the limitations of their firepower, but he tucked the gun into his waistband, knowing it could still be useful if the situation turned dire.

Meanwhile, San was drawn to a sturdy steel bat leaning against the wall. He lifted it with ease, feeling its solid heft and the promise of strength it offered. A grin spread across his face as he swung it lightly, imagining the impact it could deliver if needed. "This will do nicely," he said, confidence radiating from him.

Wooyoung, ever the resourceful one, rummaged through a nearby box and pulled out a collection of knives. Their blades glinted ominously as he examined each one, selecting a couple that felt just right for him. "These will come in handy," he remarked, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he tucked them into his belt.

Mingi stood watch at the entrance of the tent, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. "Hurry up, guys! We need to move," he urged, his voice steady and commanding.

Wooyoung, ever the adventurous spirit, was the first to approach the tent. As he got closer, something shiny caught his eye on the floor. He bent down and picked up the small, vintage radio, its surface scratched and dusty but still seemingly functional. A wide grin spread across his face as he held it up for the others to see. "Guys, I've got it!" he exclaimed, his excitement infectious. The rest of the group felt a wave of relief wash over them; it was a small reminder of the world that once was, a sliver of hope amidst the chaos surrounding them.

But just as they began to feel a sense of safety, the moment shattered. A cold, clammy hand suddenly clung onto Wooyoung's shoulder, sending a jolt of terror coursing through him. He froze, his heart pounding in his chest, and before he could react, Mingi sprang into action. With a fierce determination, he tackled the zombie that had ambushed Wooyoung, his instincts kicking in to protect his friend. The sound of fists meeting flesh echoed through the room, a brutal reminder of their grim reality.

Wooyoung, panic-stricken, darted towards San, who was already bracing himself for the worst. "San! Help!" he shouted, his voice laced with fear. Mingi fought valiantly, delivering blow after blow until the zombie finally collapsed to the ground, its body lifeless. Breathing heavily, Mingi stood up, adrenaline pumping through his veins, but as he turned to face his friends, a terrible realisation washed over him.

A chill ran down his spine as he looked down at his arm, where a fresh bite mark marred his skin, crimson and raw. "No... this can't be happening," he gasped, panic rising in his throat. Yunho's eyes widened in horror, tears welling as he took in the sight of his injury. "Mingi!" he cried, his voice cracking with fear.

"Run! Get out of here!" Mingi shouted, his voice a mix of urgency and desperation. Without waiting for a response, he bolted from the room, instinct driving him to escape whatever fate awaited him. Yunho, heart racing, chased after him, his feet pounding against the floor as he called out, "Mingi! Wait!"

Meanwhile, Wooyoung felt his world shatter as he collapsed into San's arms, sobs wracking his body. "Yunho! We can't leave them!" he cried, his voice muffled against San's sleeves. San held him tightly, his own heart heavy with grief and fear. "We have to go, Wooyoung! We can't stay here!" he urged, his voice firm yet filled with emotion.

"Yunho! Come back!" San shouted, but the sound of their footsteps faded into the distance, swallowed by the darkness of the hallway. Wooyoung's heart sank as he realised the truth; they were leaving their friends behind, and the thought was unbearable. "I don't want to leave without them!" he cried, his voice breaking.

San looked down at Wooyoung, his expression softening. "I know, but we have to survive. We need to save the others," he said, his voice steady yet laced with sorrow. Wooyoung's heart ached at the thought, but deep down, he understood the harsh reality they faced. They were in a world filled with danger, and every moment counted.

With a heavy heart, Wooyoung pulled away from San, wiping his tears as he took a deep breath. "Okay, let's go," he said, a strain creeping into his voice. They turned to leave the tent, the weight of their decision hanging heavily in the air. As they stepped out into the corridor, the sounds of the world outside faded into a haunting silence, a reminder of the friends they had left behind and the uncertainty that lay ahead.

As they moved through the darkened hallways, each step felt like a burden. Wooyoung glanced back one last time, hoping against hope that Yunho and Mingi would return. But the shadows swallowed the doorway, and he knew they had to keep moving. The fear of the unknown loomed large, but the bond they shared would guide them through the darkness.

They navigated through the maze of the abandoned woods, each one telling a story of a life once lived, now overtaken by despair. Wooyoung's mind raced with thoughts of Mingi and Yunho.

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