-||Chapter Twenty Six||-

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-(Mentions SelfHarm)-

"I will never forget the moment I realised I loved you."

Seongwha slowly opened his eyes, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. As he blinked away the remnants of sleep, he realised he was in Hongjoong's bed. The familiar scent of Hongjoong's cologne lingered in the air, a comforting reminder of their friendship. He turned his head slightly, his gaze landing on Hongjoong, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, seemingly lost in thought.

Seongwha stirred awake, the soft morning light spilling into the room, casting a warm glow over everything. He felt a strange heaviness in the air, a tension that pulled him from the remnants of sleep. As he blinked away the drowsiness, he turned to his side, and his heart dropped at the sight before him.

Hongjoong was sitting on the edge of the bed, his focus entirely on the small blade in his hand. Seongwha's breath caught in his throat as he watched Hongjoong press the blade against his skin, a look of concentration mixed with pain etched on his face. Blood began to trickle down his arm, the vibrant red contrasting sharply against his pale skin. Seongwha's mind raced, disbelief flooding his thoughts. He couldn't comprehend why Hongjoong would do this, especially so close to him.

Seongwha lay frozen, unable to find his voice as he watched Hongjoong continue, seemingly unaware that he was awake. The sight was horrifying; each cut was a deeper mark of the turmoil brewing inside Hongjoong. Seongwha felt a mix of fear and desperation welling up inside him, urging him to act, to say something, but he remained silent, caught in the grip of shock.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Seongwha's voice broke through the thick silence. "Hongjoong... please stop." The words tumbled out, heavy with urgency and concern. Hongjoong's head snapped up, his eyes wide with fear as he realised Seongwha was awake. The blade continued to accumulate more blood, Hongjoong held it deeper to his skin.

"Hongjoong!" he exclaimed, rushing forward, panic lacing his voice. "What are you doing?"

Hongjoongs expression was a mixture of surprise and something darker, something Seongwha couldn't quite place. "I... I just needed to feel something," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. The admission hung in the air, heavy with the weight of unspoken pain. Seongwha's heart ached at the sight of him in such distress. The blade slipped from his fingers, clattering to the floor as panic washed over him.

"I'm sorry!" Hongjoong exclaimed, his voice trembling. The fear in his eyes was palpable, and Seongwha's heart ached at the sight. Without thinking, Seongwha moved closer, wrapping his arms around Hongjoong in a protective embrace. He could feel the tension in Hongjoong's body, the way he stiffened at first before slowly relaxing into the hug.

"I'm here. I'm here," Seongwha murmured, trying to soothe him. "Let me help you."

But Hongjoong shook his head vehemently, pulling away slightly. "No, Seongwha, please. I don't need help. I can handle it." His voice was strained, but the determination in his eyes was clear.

"This isn't handling anything." Seongwha felt a surge of frustration mixed with worry. He couldn't just stand by and let Hongjoong hurt himself. Ignoring Hongjoong's protests, he quickly reached for the blade that had fallen to the floor. In one swift motion, he picked it up and threw it away, the metal clattering against the wall before falling silent.

"Hongjoong, you're hurting yourself!" Seongwha exclaimed, his voice rising with emotion. "You don't have to bear this pain alone. Please, let me help you."

The weight of Seongwha's words seemed to break through Hongjoong's defenses. Tears filled his eyes, and he buried his face in Seongwha's neck, the dam finally breaking. "I'm so s," he choked out, his body trembling as he cried.

Seongwha held him tightly, his heart breaking at Hongjoong's cries. "I know, I know. I'm here for you. You're safe with me," he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and protection. As Hongjoong cried into his arms, Seongwha felt a mix of relief and sorrow.

The air was thick with tension, a mix of sadness and an unacknowledged longing that hung between them. Seongwha carefully dabbed at the wounds, revealing the angry red lines that marred Hongjoong's skin. Each cut told a story of pain, of struggles that Seongwha wished he could erase with a single touch.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" Seongwha asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper. He felt a pang in his heart as he traced the edges of one particularly deep cut with his fingertips, feeling the warmth of Hongjoong's skin beneath his touch. Hongjoong looked away, his jaw clenched, the weight of his emotions evident in the way he held himself. Seongwha wished he could reach into Hongjoong's mind and pull out the darkness that plagued him, but he knew that wasn't how healing worked.

As he cleaned the wounds with antiseptic, Seongwha's heart ached not just for the physical pain, but for the emotional turmoil that Hongjoong was clearly battling. With each careful movement, he felt his feelings for Hongjoong deepen, shifting from the warmth of friendship into something more profound, something that scared him. He wanted to be the one who could help, to be the safe place where Hongjoong could let down his guard and be vulnerable without fear of judgement.

"I'm here for you, you know," Seongwha said, his voice steady despite the turmoil in his heart. "You don't have to go through this alone." He looked up, meeting Hongjoong's gaze, and for a moment, the world outside faded away. In that shared silence, Seongwha saw the flicker of something in Hongjoong's eyes—a mixture of gratitude and something deeper, something that made Seongwha's heart race.

Hongjoong swallowed hard, emotion flooding his features. "I don't want to burden you," he replied, his voice thick with unshed tears. "I'm not worth it." Seongwha felt a surge of frustration at those words. How could Hongjoong not see the light he brought into the world, how could he not understand the strength it took to let someone in?

"You are worth it," Seongwha insisted, his voice firm. "You have saved many people with this camp." He finished bandaging Hongjoong's cuts, each wrapping a silent promise that he would be there, no matter how difficult the journey ahead might be. As he tied off the last bandage, he felt a shift in the air, a moment where everything seemed to hang in balance.

Seongwha's heart raced as he leaned in closer, their faces inches apart. The vulnerability of the moment threatened to overwhelm him, but he couldn't pull away. Instead, he reached out, brushing his fingers against Hongjoong's cheek, a simple gesture that held so much meaning. "You're not alone, Hongjoong. I'll always be here for you."

At that moment, something changed between them. The air crackled with unspoken words and feelings that had been buried too long. Hongjoong's breath hitched, and for the first time, he allowed himself to lean into Seongwha's touch, seeking comfort in the warmth and safety it provided.

As their eyes locked, Seongwha realised that this was more than just friendship; it was a bond forged in shared pain and understanding. He felt a deep yearning to protect Hongjoong, to be the light in his darkness, and perhaps, just perhaps, to explore the feelings that were blossoming within him. In that quiet moment, amidst the sadness and the healing, Seongwha knew that their relationship was on the brink of something beautiful and profound.

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