-||Chapter Seven||-

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"Who decided that humans are good, and monsters are bad?"

He stood still, shaking under the shower's water which trailed over every inch of his body with perfection. Seongwha held his breath as every drip which landed on him reminded him of his past, anywhere it had landed it would repeat the same thing over and over again.

The screams and shouts which laid its hands on his skin made his heart sink a little further. The low drums of it reminded him that all of the pain was for nothing. His suicide meant nothing but a scar which lined his chest with harsh bruised black veins, pumping black blood throughout his body.

He opened his eyes, his vision a black and white. At first it had shocked him but then he resumed standing still in the water. Colour faded into his eyes once again as he met the shower wall, black moulding up along the corners of it. A small aroma flowing from it and towards Seongwha. He didn't like how he could smell the un ordinary things which humans could never. Blood from a small scratch was one of them, a sense of hunger growing every time he smelt it.

The water cascaded down, each drop stinging against his skin, a harsh reminder of the pain that had become his constant companion. As he stood there, he could feel the bite wounds on his arm pulsating, black veins snaking around them like dark tendrils, a grotesque mark of his transformation. The water, meant to cleanse, only intensified the throbbing pain, and he winced as he scrubbed at his skin, trying to wash away the remnants of what he had become.

He closed his eyes, letting the water wash over him, but instead of feeling refreshed, he felt more trapped than ever. The memories of his humanity flickered in his mind—laughter, warmth, connection. Now, all that remained was this monstrous existence, a constant battle against the urges that threatened to consume him. He longed to be human again, to feel the sun on his face without fear, to embrace his friends without the dread of harming them.

As the water continued to pour, Seongwha leaned against the cool tiles, letting the stream cascade down his back. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, but the darkness within him stirred, a reminder that he was still fighting against the monster he had become. Each heartbeat echoed in his ears, a reminder of the life he once had, and he clenched his fists. He would find a way to reclaim his humanity, no matter the cost.

The water's warmth contrasted sharply with the cold grip of despair that wrapped around his heart. He could almost hear the whispers of his friends, urging him to fight, to hold on to the last shreds of himself. Seongwha remembered the way they had laughed together, the shared moments of joy that now felt like distant dreams.. They were the light in his shadowed world, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing them to the monster he was becoming.

As the water streamed down, he let out a shaky breath, trying to clear his mind. He focused on the sensation of the water hitting his skin, the way it momentarily dulled the pain. With each drop, he imagined it washing away the darkness, the black veins retreating, the wounds healing. He envisioned a future where he could stand among his friends, free from the burden of his transformation. But with every flicker of hope came the chilling reminder of the reality he faced.

Seongwha turned the water temperature up, seeking a burn in the heat. He pressed his forehead against the cool tiles, feeling the contrast seeping into his skin. He was tired—tired of fighting, tired of the constant pain. His wounds ached, a cruel reminder of the moment everything changed. He remembered the chaos, the fear, the moment he felt the sharp knife pierce his skin. It was a moment that had altered his fate, chaining him to a reality he never wanted.

The shower finally turned off after his fingers pulled the lever beside him, he stepped out and was instantly greeted by the cold air from outside the shower walls. The steam wrapped around him as he fixed his hair, without looking in the mirror. He couldn't bring himself to even see himself. He gathered his clothes into a pile, black shirt and joggers. Nothing too extra.

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