-||Forty Two||-

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"Our forever was supposed to be longer."

Wooyoung struggled beneath the weight of the zombie, its rotting body pinning him to the ground. The creature's foul breath washed over him, a putrid stench that made him gag. He thrashed, trying to push it off, but the zombie's grip was unyielding. Panic surged through him as he felt its teeth graze his neck, a cold premonition of the pain that was about to come.

Without warning, the zombie bit down hard, its jagged teeth tearing into Wooyoung's flesh. A scream erupted from his lips, raw and filled with agony. The world around him blurred as he felt the sharp pain radiate through his body, the sensation of flesh being ripped away sending shockwaves of horror through his mind. Blood poured from the wound, warm and sticky, pooling beneath him as the zombie feasted on his flesh.

In a desperate act of survival, Wooyoung reached for one of his knives, his fingers trembling as he gripped the hilt. With a surge of strength fueled by adrenaline, he hurled the knife at the zombie. It struck true, embedding itself into the creature's skull. The zombie let out a guttural growl, its grip loosening for just a moment, but it was too late for Wooyoung. He could feel the blood running down his neck, warm and thick, and the realization of his injury hit him like a freight train.

As he pressed his hand against the gaping wound, he could feel the blood seeping through his fingers, the infection beginning to spread. It was a strange sensation, a mix of pain and a creeping numbness that started to take hold of him. It felt as if the infection was slowly working its way through his veins, a sinister force that threatened to consume him from the inside out.

"Wooyoung!" San's voice pierced through the haze of pain, and Wooyoung could see his friend rushing towards him, fear etched on his face. But as he looked into San's eyes, he felt a wave of despair wash over him. Would he be able to fight this? Would he become one of them?

The zombie, now weakened by the knife, staggered back, allowing Wooyoung a moment to breathe. But the pain was intensifying, a burning sensation that began to cloud his thoughts. He could feel the infection pulsing through him, a dark whisper that promised power but also threatened to strip away his humanity.

"Get it off me!" Wooyoung shouted, his voice hoarse and desperate. San lunged forward, grabbing the zombie and pulling it away from Wooyoung. With a final push, he sent the creature crashing to the ground, where it lay twitching, the knife still protruding from its skull.

Wooyoung gasped for air, his heart racing as he tried to process what had just happened. He could feel the blood continuing to flow from his wound, and the sensation of the infection spreading was unsettling. It was as if something dark was clawing at the edges of his mind, trying to take control.

"Stay with me, Wooyoung," San urged, kneeling beside him, panic evident in his voice. "We need to get you help!"

As Wooyoung looked up at San, he could see the worry etched on his friend's face. But deep down, he could feel the infection beginning to take root, a terrifying realisation that he might not be the same again. "I... I don't know if I can fight it," he admitted, his voice trembling.

"You have to!" San insisted, his grip tightening on Wooyoung's shoulder. Wooyoung saw the tears pouring from his face but it was too late. "Please.."

"I can smell Yeosang's blood.." He could sense the change within him, the slow, insidious transformation that threatened to consume him. San held him tightly, cradling him like a fragile child, his face twisted in anguish.

"Wooyoung, please don't say that," San whimpered, tears streaming down his cheeks. "We can find a way to fix this. We can—"

But Wooyoung shook his head, the weight of his reality pressing down on him. "San, listen to me. You need to leave. Before the horde gets here." His voice trembled, a mix of fear and desperation. He glanced over at Yeosang, who was slumped against the wall, blood trickling from his mouth, his eyes wide with terror. The metallic scent of blood filled the air, a nauseating reminder of their grim situation.

"Wooyoung..." San's voice cracked, and he tightened his grip, as if holding on could somehow prevent the inevitable. "I can't lose you. Not like this."

The coldness seeped deeper into Wooyoung's skin, and he looked down at the oversized jumper San had given him, the fabric now a reminder of happier times. "I feel so cold," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "You gave me this. It used to make me feel safe."

San's heart shattered at the sight of Wooyoung's vulnerability. "You have to fight it! Please, just hold on a little longer."

But Wooyoung knew it was futile. He could feel the darkness clawing at his mind, the hunger rising within him. "Live for me, San," he urged, his voice breaking. "Promise me you'll live. You can't let this—let me—destroy you."

Tears streamed down San's face as he nodded, unable to form words. "I promise, Wooyoung. I'll do whatever it takes."

Wooyoung's gaze shifted to Yeosang, who was struggling to breathe, his face pale and clammy. "Yeosang, can you hear me?" Wooyoung called, his voice strained. "You need to get out of here. You can't stay like this."

Yeosang looked up, his eyes glassy. "I... I can't move," he gasped, blood bubbling at his lips. "It hurts, Wooyoung."

San looked between them, his heart racing. "We need to hurry. The horde will be here any minute!"

Wooyoung turned back to San, the reality of their situation weighing heavily on him. "San, I don't want you to see me like this. I can't let you watch me lose myself."

"I won't leave you!" San shouted, his voice filled with determination. "We'll find a way to fix this together!"

But Wooyoung could feel the transformation accelerating, the coldness spreading through his veins like ice. "No, San. You have to go. You have to live for both of us."

"Don't say that!" San cried, shaking his head violently. "We can fight this! We can—"

Wooyoung interrupted, his voice firm despite the pain. "San, please. I love you too much to let you suffer because of me. You have to promise me you'll survive."

San's eyes widened in realisation, the weight of Wooyoung's words crashing down on him. "But... I can't just leave you here!"

"You have to!" Wooyoung insisted, his voice rising with urgency. "You have to be strong. For me. For Yeosang. Just go!"

The tears flowed freely down San's cheeks as he clutched Wooyoung tighter, as if he could somehow hold onto him forever. "I can't... I can't do this without you!"

Wooyoung's heart ached at the pain in San's voice. "You can. You're strong, San. Stronger than you know. I believe in you."

As the sounds of the approaching horde grew louder, Wooyoung felt the last vestiges of his humanity slipping away. He turned to San one last time, his eyes filled with love and sorrow. "Promise me, San."

San's voice was choked with emotion as he nodded, "I promise, Wooyoung. I'll live. I'll find a way to save you."

With a final, shuddering breath, Wooyoung succumbed to the darkness, the coldness enveloping him entirely. San watched in horror as the light in Wooyoung's eyes faded, replaced by an emptiness that sent a chill down his spine.

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