-||Chapter Thirty||-

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"The day everything went wrong, again."

Yunho had just finished visiting Yeosang in the medical tent, the air thick with antiseptic and the lingering scent of worry. He stepped outside, the cool evening breeze brushing against his skin, momentarily easing the tension that had built up in his chest. The camp was unusually quiet, the usual sounds of laughter and chatter muted, as if everyone was holding their breath, waiting for something to happen. He meandered through the makeshift paths, his mind wandering to the conversations he'd had with Yeosang, who was trying to maintain a brave face despite the chaos surrounding them.

As he walked, lost in thought, a deafening scream pierced the stillness. It was a sound that sent chills down his spine, raw and full of anguish. Instinctively, Yunho turned towards the source, his heart racing. What he saw made his stomach drop—a woman was struggling to walk, her face contorted in pain. She stumbled forward, dragging herself with sheer determination, but it was clear she was fighting a losing battle.

Yunho's eyes were drawn to her leg, where a bite mark marred her skin, an angry red circle that pulsed ominously. The sight made his blood run cold. She was twitching, her body betraying her as if it were caught in a violent struggle against a force he could not see. "Hey! Are you okay?" he called out, his voice a mix of concern and urgency. He instinctively moved toward her, wanting to help, to reach out and offer some semblance of comfort.

But just as he took a step closer, something shifted in his peripheral vision. From behind the woman, another figure crawled into view. Yunho's heart raced as he recognized the telltale signs of infection. The creature moved with a jerky, unnatural grace, its skin pale and stretched tight over its bones, its eyes wide and vacant. It was a grotesque parody of humanity, and panic surged through him.

"Stay back!" Yunho shouted, his voice echoing through the stillness, filled with an urgency that belied his fear. The woman turned her head slightly, confusion and terror etched across her face. He could see the struggle within her; the twitching was becoming more pronounced, a physical manifestation of the battle raging inside her.

Yunho's mind raced. He had to make a choice. The instinct to flee clawed at him, but he couldn't just abandon her. There was a flicker of humanity left in her eyes, a desperate plea for help that tugged at his heart. He took a deep breath, his resolve hardening. "I'm going to help you," he said, more to reassure himself than her.

He glanced back at the crawling creature, its empty gaze fixated on him, and he felt the weight of the situation pressing down on him. He couldn't let fear dictate his actions. He had to act quickly. Yunho scanned the area, searching for anything he could use as a weapon or a distraction. His eyes landed on a nearby broken branch, jagged and sturdy. He moved towards it, keeping his gaze on the woman, who was now swaying slightly, her body fighting against the infection.

"Hold on, I'm coming!" he called out, grabbing the branch and turning back to face the approaching threat. The crawling figure had gained ground, its movements quickening as it sensed Yunho's intent. He tightened his grip on the branch, adrenaline surging through him.

"Get away from her!" he shouted, brandishing the makeshift weapon. The creature paused, its head tilting as if trying to comprehend the threat before it. Yunho took a step forward, his heart pounding in his chest. He had to protect her, even if it meant putting himself in danger.

The woman let out a soft whimper, and Yunho's heart ached for her. He could see the fight in her eyes, the desperation to hold on to her humanity. "You have to fight it!" he urged, trying to instil some strength into her. "You're stronger than this!"

In that moment, the creature lunged at him, its movements swift and predatory. Yunho swung the branch with all his might, connecting with a sickening thud against the creature's head. It staggered back, momentarily stunned, giving Yunho just enough time to reach the woman. He positioned himself between her and the threat, his heart racing as he glanced back at her.

"Can you stand?" he asked urgently, his voice low but firm. She nodded slightly, determination flickering in her eyes despite the pain etched on her face. "I'll help you," he promised, extending a hand toward her. Her face lashed out for a bite.

Yunho's heart raced as he sprinted away from the woman who had tried to bite him, her anguished screams fading into the distance as he dashed down the corridor. The fluorescent lights flickered ominously above, casting shadows that danced menacingly along the walls. He could hear the unmistakable shuffling of feet behind him, the sound growing louder, more frantic. It was clear that he wasn't alone; the quarantine had failed, and the infected were now roaming free.

As he rounded another corner, Yunho's mind raced. He had thought the outbreak was contained, that the medical halls had been a secure zone. But the sight of the woman—her eyes clouded with an insatiable hunger—was a stark reminder of how wrong he had been. He could almost feel the heat of her breath on his neck as he ran, the instinct to survive propelling him forward. Each step felt like a battle against the rising tide of fear that threatened to engulf him.

The emergency sirens blared, their shrill cries piercing the night and signalling the chaos that had erupted outside. Yunho pushed through the exit door, the cold night air hitting him like a wave, invigorating yet terrifying. What lay before him was a scene of utter despair. The grounds were filled with people, some fighting back against the hordes of zombies, while others were frozen in fear, their faces pale as they watched the horror unfold.

Yunho's breath hitched as he took in the chaos. He could see a group of survivors attempting to barricade themselves against a wave of the infected, but it was a losing battle. The zombies were relentless, their moans a chilling soundtrack to the carnage. He had to find help, he had to get to safety, but the sight of his friends being overwhelmed sent a jolt of adrenaline through him.

Then, amidst the chaos, his eyes landed on a familiar figure. Yeosang was perched atop the roof of the main hall, his silhouette stark against the moonlit sky. Relief washed over Yunho, but it was quickly replaced by urgency. He needed to reach him, to regroup and formulate a plan. With a determined nod, Yunho set off toward the building, dodging the grasping hands of the undead as he ran.

The ground was slick with debris, and Yunho had to navigate the fallen furniture and scattered belongings of those who had once sought refuge. He could hear the frantic shouts of his friends mingling with the groans of the zombies, each sound a reminder of the stakes at hand. He spotted a few familiar faces—some were fighting, while others were desperately trying to pull others to safety. Yunho's heart ached for them, but he couldn't afford to stop. He had to reach Yeosang.

As he neared the main hall, Yunho glanced up at Yeosang, who was scanning the area below, his expression a mix of concern and determination. Yunho shouted, "Yeosang! I'm coming!" But the noise of the sirens and the chaos drowned out his voice. He pressed on, adrenaline fueling his every step.

Suddenly, a loud crash echoed behind him, and Yunho turned just in time to see a group of zombies break through a barricade, their eyes locked onto him with ravenous hunger. Panic surged through him, and he sprinted faster, his legs pumping as he pushed himself to the limit. The distance to the main hall seemed to stretch endlessly, each step feeling like a battle against the encroaching darkness.

He reached the base of the building, glancing up at Yeosang, who was now waving frantically, signalling for him to hurry. Yunho took a deep breath, steeling himself for the climb. He spotted a nearby fire escape ladder and dashed toward it, the sound of the undead closing in behind him. He could feel their breath on his neck, the chilling realisation that he was being hunted.

With a surge of determination, Yunho grabbed the rungs of the ladder and began to climb, his hands slipping slightly on the cold metal. He could hear the zombies below, their guttural growls echoing in his ears, urging him to move faster. As he reached the top, he pulled himself onto the roof, gasping for breath.

Yeosang was there, his expression a mix of relief and urgency. "Yunho! I thought you wouldn't make it!" he exclaimed, pulling Yunho to his feet.

"We need to find a way out of here," Yunho replied, glancing over the edge of the roof at the chaos below. "There are too many of them."

Yeosang nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon. "We can't stay here for long. There's a chance the others made it to the east side of the campus. We need to move."

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