-||Chapter Twelve||-

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"When I look at you, the world goes silent."

Yeosang knelt on the ground, the dim light filtering through the cracked window casting shadows across the room. He focused intently on Jongho's shirt, the dark stains of dried blood a stark reminder of their recent encounter. The fabric was rough against his fingers as he carefully dabbed at the mess with a damp cloth, trying to erase the evidence of violence from their lives. Each stroke of the cloth felt like a futile attempt to cleanse not just the shirt but the chaos that surrounded them.

Jongho watched silently, but from the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. The silence between them was heavy, filled with the echoes of their struggles. "So... what happened between you and San?" he asked, his voice steady but laced with curiosity. Yeosang paused, the cloth hovering above the shirt, his mind racing back to the moments that had led to this question. It wasn't just about the blood; it was about trust, about the fragile ties that bound them together in this chaotic world.

Taking a deep breath, Yeosang finally replied, "Seonghwa is immune." The words slipped out before he could stop them, a truth that had been heavy on his heart. Jongho's eyes widened in understanding, and the tension in the room shifted. It made sense now, why Yeosang had kept quiet about his feelings, about the turmoil that had brewed between him and San. Jongho nodded slowly, the realisation dawned on him. "I get it," he said softly. "You didn't want to put him in danger... or make things more complicated."

Yeosang resumed cleaning, the rhythm of his movements calming his racing thoughts. "It's not just that," he admitted. "I didn't want to scare the others. With everything going on, I didn't know how to handle it." Jongho placed a reassuring hand on Yeosang's shoulder, a silent promise of support. They were in this together, navigating the treacherous waters of their reality, and no matter the conflicts that arose, they would find a way to survive.

As the minutes passed, the room filled with the sound of water splashing against the fabric, a soothing backdrop to their conversation. Yeosang reflected on the events that had transpired. San had been there, fierce and protective, but the dangers of their world had changed him. The fear of losing someone he cared about was suffocating. He had tried to push San away, to shield him from the pain that came with their reality, but it only created a rift between them.

Jongho, sensing the turmoil within Yeosang, leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms. "You know, it's okay to feel scared. We're all terrified," he said, his voice low and steady. "But keeping someone's volubility as a secret might not be the answer." Yeosang looked up, meeting Jongho's gaze. There was a depth of understanding in his friend's eyes, a shared recognition of the burdens they all carried.

"I just thought if I kept it as a secret, it would protect us," Yeosang replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "But now... now I don't know if I've just made it worse." The weight of regret settled in his chest like a stone. He had pushed San away, trying to save him from the horrors of their existence, but in doing so, he had created a chasm that felt insurmountable.

Jongho sighed, his expression softening. "You can't control everything, Yeosang. None of us can. We're in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, for crying out loud. We need each other now more than ever." His words resonated deeply, and Yeosang felt a flicker of hope amidst the despair. Maybe there was still a chance to mend what had been broken.

As Yeosang finished cleaning Jongho's shirt, he set the cloth aside and took a moment to collect his thoughts. "What if Seonghwa can help?" he suggested, the idea forming like a fragile thread of hope. "If he's immune, maybe we can find a way to solve this. There has to be something we can do." Yeosang's eyes brightened at the thought, and a spark of determination ignited within him.

"Yeah, we should talk to Seonghwa. He might have insights we haven't considered," Jongho agreed, his voice gaining strength.

Yeosang felt a surge of gratitude flow through him. Jongho's unwavering support was a lifeline in the chaos, a reminder that they were not alone in this fight. "Thank you, Jongho. I don't know what I'd do without you," he said sincerely.

In the dim light of the medical room, Yeosang felt a wave of emotions wash over him as he looked at Jongho. The world outside was chaotic, filled with the sounds of distant groans and shuffling feet, but at this moment, it felt like they were in their own little bubble, untouched by the horrors of the zombie apocalypse.

Jongho stood there, a mixture of worry and determination etched on his face. Yeosang could see the toll that the constant danger was taking on him. The weight of survival had settled heavily on Jongho's shoulders, and it was evident in the way he carried himself. The tension in his muscles, the furrow in his brow, all spoke of sleepless nights spent planning their next move and worrying about their friends.

Yeosang stepped closer, closing the gap between them, and without thinking, he wrapped his arms around Jongho. The hug was firm yet gentle, a silent promise that they would face whatever came next together. Jongho was taken aback for a moment, surprised by the sudden display of affection, but then he melted into the embrace, his tension easing as he leaned into Yeosang's warmth.

It was a moment of solace amid the storm, a reminder that they were not alone. Yeosang could feel Jongho's heartbeat against his chest, steady and reassuring. He held him tighter, as if trying to shield him from the world outside, from the horrors that lurked just beyond the walls of their temporary sanctuary.

As they stood there, the sounds of the apocalypse faded into the background. Yeosang focused solely on Jongho, feeling the rise and fall of his breath. He could sense the vulnerability in Jongho, the way he allowed himself to be comforted. It was a rare sight in these times, where everyone felt they had to be strong and stoic. But here, in this embrace, they could be just themselves.

After a few moments that felt like an eternity, Yeosang pulled back slightly, just enough to look into Jongho's eyes. He could see the gratitude and relief reflected there, and it made his heart swell. In a soft, tender gesture, Yeosang leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to Jongho's forehead. It was a simple act, yet it spoke volumes of the affection and care he felt for him.

"You're not alone, Jongho," Yeosang whispered, his voice barely above a murmur. "I'll always be here for you."

Jongho smiled, a small but genuine smile that lit up his face even in the gloom. "I know, Yeosang. Thank you." There was a warmth in his voice that made Yeosang feel like everything would be okay, at least for now.

As they stood together, the reality of their situation began to sink in again. The world outside was still perilous, and they had to keep moving, keep fighting. But in this moment, they had each other, and that was enough to give them strength. Yeosang took a deep breath, feeling the weight of their circumstances but also the lightness of their connection.

"Do you remember the plans we made before all of this?" Yeosang asked, trying to steer the conversation towards brighter memories. "The camping trip we wanted to take? Just the two of us out in nature, away from everything?"

Jongho chuckled softly, the sound almost foreign in the current atmosphere. "Yeah, I remember. We were so excited about it. I still have that old map we made." His eyes sparkled with a hint of nostalgia, and Yeosang felt a sense of warmth flood through him.

"Maybe one day," Yeosang said, his voice filled with hope. "Once this is all over, we can finally go. Just like we planned."

Jongho nodded, a determined look crossing his features. "Yeah, I want that. I want to see the stars without worrying about zombies lurking in the dark."

They shared a laugh, the sound echoing softly in the small medical room, a brief respite from their grim reality. It was moments like these that reminded them of the life they once had, a life filled with dreams and plans that seemed so far away now.

But as the laughter faded, the seriousness of their situation crept back in. Yeosang could see the shadows lurking in Jongho's eyes, the fears that he tried to hide. He reached out, brushing his fingers against Jongho's cheek, grounding him in the present.

"Whatever happens, we face it together," Yeosang promised, his voice steady. "You mean too much to me to let anything happen to you."

Jongho looked at him, his eyes searching Yeosang's for reassurance. "I don't want to lose anyone else, Yeosang. I can't go through that again."

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