-||Chapter Twenty Two||-

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"He was pretty cute for a monster."

Hongjoong opened the drawer with a soft creak, the sound barely breaking the stillness of the room. Inside lay a chaotic assortment of maps, some crumpled, others neatly folded, each holding memories of their past adventures and plans for the future. He could see the inked lines tracing routes through forests, over mountains, and across rivers, each representing a journey they had taken or dreamed of taking. As he pulled out a particularly old map, its edges worn and faded, he felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him, transporting him back to the moments they had shared.

He glanced over at the makeshift bed in the corner, where Seongwha lay peacefully asleep. The soft glow of the afternoon sun streamed through the window, casting a warm light on his serene face. Hongjoong couldn't help but admire the way Seongwha's chest rose and fell gently with each shallow breath. There was something comforting about the sight, a reminder of the bond they shared amidst the chaos of their lives. The lines of worry that usually marked Seongwha's face seemed to vanish in sleep, replaced by an expression of tranquillity that made Hongjoong's heart swell with warmth.

Hongjoong's mind drifted as he watched Seongwha, lost in the rhythm of his breathing. He felt a deep sense of gratitude for having someone like him by his side, especially during these uncertain times. The world outside was fraught with challenges, and their lives were intertwined with danger and unpredictability. Yet, in this moment, with Seongwha resting so peacefully, Hongjoong felt a flicker of hope. He reminded himself that he had a job to do. They needed to prepare for what lay ahead, and he couldn't afford to lose focus.

With a soft sigh, Hongjoong settled the maps down on the coffee table, arranging them carefully to avoid any creases. He spread them out, ensuring they were visible and easy to read. Each map represented a piece of their journey, a step toward understanding the world around them and the threats they faced. As he sat on the sofa, he leaned forward, studying the intricate details of the maps, tracing his finger over the marked trails and landmarks.

The room was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of paper as he shifted the maps. He could hear the distant chirping of birds outside and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. It was a stark contrast to the turmoil that often filled their lives. Hongjoong felt a sense of determination wash over him as he thought about their mission. They needed to figure out how to manage the immunity issues that had been plaguing them, and these maps were a crucial part of that plan.

As he worked, his thoughts drifted back to Seongwha. He remembered the warmth of the hug that they had shared, discussing their plans and fears about the camp. Seongwha had always been the one to keep him grounded, reminding him of the importance of their friendship and the strength they drew from one another. Hongjoong felt a pang of guilt for disturbing Seongwha's rest, but he knew he had to focus on their next steps.

He took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind of distractions. The task ahead was daunting, but he couldn't let that overwhelm him. Instead, he focused on the maps, each one a potential pathway to safety or knowledge. He began to jot down notes in the margins, ideas and strategies forming in his mind as he pieced together their next moves.

Time slipped away as he immersed himself in the task, occasionally glancing at Seongwha to ensure he was still peacefully asleep. The sun continued to shift across the sky, casting different shadows in the room, but Hongjoong remained focused on the maps, determined to make sense of the chaos.

Eventually, as the light began to fade, Hongjoong felt a sense of accomplishment. He had organized the maps and created a rough plan for their next steps. He leaned back on the sofa, allowing himself a moment to relax. The warmth in his chest grew as he thought about how far they had come together and how much they had yet to face.

As he looked at Seongwha, still lost in his dreams, Hongjoong felt a surge of protectiveness. He would do everything in his power to keep him safe and ensure they both emerged from this journey unscathed. With renewed determination, he made a silent vow to himself: no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

With a soft smile, he picked up a nearby blanket and draped it over Seongwha, ensuring he would be warm and comfortable. As he settled back into the sofa, Hongjoong felt a sense of peace envelop him. The maps were ready, and with Seongwha by his side, he knew they could navigate whatever came next.

As Hongjoong sat on the sofa, surrounded by a sea of maps and hastily scribbled notes. He ran a hand through his hair, feeling the weight of the world pressing down on him. The camp was in a precarious state; the medical hall had shut down, and now the survivors were scattered into small tents, each one a fragile shelter against the uncertainty that loomed over them. He could feel the tension in the air, thick and suffocating, as he tried to piece together a plan.

His eyes darted across the maps, tracing the lines and markings he had made, but his mind was elsewhere. The flickering candlelight cast shadows that danced across the walls, mirroring the turmoil within him. Just when he thought he might find a moment of clarity, he heard the soft rustle of sheets behind him. Seongwha, having just woken from his sleep, shuffled over and settled next to him on the sofa. The warmth of his presence sent a jolt through Hongjoong, and for a moment, he forgot about the maps and the camp's dire situation.

"Are you okay?" Seongwha's voice broke the silence, soft and laced with concern. Hongjoong turned to look at him, and the unspoken tension between them hung in the air like a fragile thread. He opened his mouth to respond, but the words caught in his throat. Instead, he offered a nod, though he knew it was a lie. The truth was, he felt anything but okay. The weight of responsibility was overwhelming, but it was the presence of Seongwha that truly unsettled him.

Seongwha's gaze was steady, filled with an understanding that made Hongjoong's heart race. There was something about him—his calm demeanor, the way he seemed to radiate strength—that drew Hongjoong in. It was both comforting and distracting, and he found it increasingly difficult to focus on the task at hand. Every time he glanced at Seongwha, he felt an urge to reach out, to close the distance between them, but fear held him back. What if acknowledging this connection only complicated things further?

"There's a lot to figure out," Hongjoong finally managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper. He gestured towards the maps, trying to redirect the conversation, but his heart wasn't in it. He could feel the tension in the air, the way their shoulders brushed against each other, and it sent a shiver down his spine.

Seongwha leaned in closer, his eyes scanning the maps. "We can work on this together," he said, his tone reassuring. "You don't have to carry this burden alone." The sincerity in his voice made Hongjoong's heart swell, and for a moment, he allowed himself to believe that maybe, just maybe, they could face the chaos together.

As they pored over the maps, Hongjoong couldn't help but steal glances at Seongwha. The way he focused intently on the details, the slight furrow of his brow, and the way his lips curled into a thoughtful frown all captivated Hongjoong. It was as if the world outside faded away, leaving just the two of them in their own bubble of understanding. He felt an overwhelming urge to reach out, to touch Seongwha's hand and draw him closer, but the fear of ruining the moment kept him rooted in place.

"Look here," Seongwha pointed to a section of the map, breaking Hongjoong's reverie. "If we set up a central point for medical supplies, we can distribute them more efficiently. It might help ease some of the panic." His voice was steady, filled with purpose, and it ignited a spark of hope within Hongjoong.

"That's a great idea," Hongjoong replied, his heart racing at the thought of working together. He leaned in closer, their shoulders brushing again, and he felt a warmth spreading through him. The tension between them was palpable, and Hongjoong couldn't shake the feeling that something was shifting, something deeper than their current predicament.

As they continued to strategize, Hongjoong found himself lost in thought, grappling with the emotions that bubbled beneath the surface. The chaos of the camp felt distant, replaced by the magnetic pull of Seongwha's presence. He wanted to tell him everything—the weight of his fears, the uncertainty of their future—but the words eluded him.

"Hey," Seongwha said suddenly, breaking through Hongjoong's thoughts. "You know we can get through this, right? Together." His eyes locked onto Hongjoong's, and in that moment, the world outside faded completely.

Hongjoong felt a rush of warmth flood through him, a mixture of gratitude and something more profound. "Yeah," he replied.

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