-||Chapter Thirty Nine||-

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"How could a heart like yours, love a heart like mine?"

As they navigated the dimly lit streets of the city, Hongjoong took the lead, his heart pounding not just from the exertion but from the weight of responsibility resting heavily on his shoulders. The air was thick with tension, and every shadow seemed to loom larger than life. Seongwha walked a few steps behind, his usual vibrant energy replaced by a palpable distance that worried Hongjoong. He could sense something was off, but now wasn't the time to pry; they needed to stay focused.

Yeosang, despite his best efforts, struggled to keep pace. He was leaning against Jongho more than what he used to. Hongjoong noticed him lagging behind, his breath coming in short gasps. "Let's take a break," he called out, stopping in the middle of the street. The group gathered around him, and he placed a reassuring hand on Yeosang's shoulder. "You good? Just a little longer, alright?"

Yeosang nodded, though his eyes betrayed his exhaustion. "I'm okay, just... it's a lot," he replied, trying to catch his breath. The group exchanged glances, understanding the weight of their situation—a world turned upside down, filled with loss and uncertainty.

Wooyoung, on the verge of tears, had been leaning against San, who was doing his best to console him. "I can't believe they're gone, San," Wooyoung sobbed, his voice cracking. "Mingi and Yunho... it's not fair." San wrapped an arm around him, whispering words of comfort, but Hongjoong could see the pain etched on both their faces. It was a pain that resonated with the entire group, a shared wound that seemed to deepen with each passing moment.

"Listen, we're going to make it through this," Hongjoong said, his voice steady and firm. "I promise you, I won't let anything happen to any of you. We just need to keep moving and stay together." He felt the weight of their grief, but he also felt the resolve within himself to lead them to safety. They needed hope, and he would be the one to carry it for them, no matter how heavy the burden felt.

As they resumed their journey, Hongjoong kept a close eye on Seongwha, trying to gauge his thoughts. The silence between them spoke volumes, but Hongjoong knew that pushing too hard would only push Seongwha further away. Instead, he focused on the path ahead, determined to guide them all through the darkness and into the light.

With each step, the city felt more alien, the once familiar streets now twisted and unrecognizable. The remnants of their previous lives lingered in the air—echoes of laughter, the warmth of shared moments. Now, those memories felt like ghosts, haunting them as they trudged forward in search of safety.

"Hongjoong," Seongwha finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. Hongjoong turned, ready to listen. "Do you think we'll find them? Do you think Mingi and Yunho are...?" He trailed off, unable to finish the thought.

Hongjoong's heart ached at the question. "I don't know, Seongwha. But we have to keep moving. We owe it to them to survive, to keep fighting." He hoped his words would provide some comfort, but he could see the doubt in Seongwha's eyes.

They continued walking, making regular stops to check on Yeosang, who was still struggling. Hongjoong would often slow his pace, ensuring that they were all together, that no one was left behind. "Just a few more blocks, then we can rest again," he encouraged, trying to keep morale high.

As they reached a corner, they spotted a small convenience store, its windows shattered but the door still hanging on its hinges. "Let's check inside," Hongjoong suggested. "We might find something useful."

The group hesitated, the fear of the unknown holding them back. But with a nod from Hongjoong, they cautiously approached the entrance. Inside, the shelves were mostly empty, but they managed to scavenge a few cans of food and some bottled water. Every little bit helped, and Hongjoong felt a flicker of hope.

While they rummaged through the store, Wooyoung's sobs had quieted, replaced by a determined silence. He looked at Hongjoong, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and pain. "Thank you for leading us, Hongjoong. I don't know what we'd do without you."

Hongjoong felt the weight of those words. "We're in this together, Wooyoung. I'm not going anywhere. We'll find a way to honour Mingi and Yunho, I promise."

Jongho wandered through the dimly lit room, the faint scent of chocolate wafting through the air as he stumbled upon a hidden stash of choco pies tucked away in a corner. His eyes lit up with excitement, and a grin spread across his face as he carefully retrieved the packets, the crinkling sound echoing in the stillness.

"Hey, everyone! Come here!" Jongho called out, his voice cutting through the quiet. One by one, his friends gathered around, curiosity sparking in their eyes. With a flourish, he opened the packets and handed each of them a choco pie, the treat looking almost too good to be true in their current situation. The mood in the room shifted instantly, smiles spreading as they accepted the sweet gift.

As they all took a moment to admire their treats, Jongho raised his pie high, a playful glint in his eyes. "Let's make a toast!" he declared, his voice full of enthusiasm. "To how far we've come and how little we have left to go!" Laughter erupted, and even Hongjoong couldn't help but chuckle at Jongho's infectious energy. He watched as Jongho beamed, clearly proud of the small moment of happiness he had created amidst the chaos.

Seongwha stood slightly apart from the group, a gentle smile on his face as he held his choco pie, but he didn't take a bite. Hongjoong noticed this and tilted his head, curiosity piqued. "Hey, Seongwha, why aren't you eating yours?" he asked, genuine concern lacing his tone. Seongwha simply shrugged, his smile still present but his gaze distant, as if lost in thought.

"I'll save it for later," Seongwha replied softly, still holding the pie as if it were a precious keepsake.

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