Holly's Cousin

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Hype: Holly where are you going?

Holly: To see my cousin and her friends

Hype: I never met your cousin

Holly: You can now

Then she takes him to the troll version on Target

Hype: Why are we here?

Holly: Mint usually is here with her friends making videos with them I wish that for once she wouldn't bring her friends 😒

Hype: What's wrong with her friends?

Holly: They think that Mint should spend all her time with them so I never get to spend any time with her

Hype: That's bad and Mint goes along with it?

Holly: Yeah she doesn't want to lose her friends and I don't get why they're so weird

Mint: Holly 😄

Holly: Mint 😄

Then the two hug

Mint: I missed you so much

Holly: I missed you too Mint this is my husband Hype

Hype: Nice to meet you

Mint: Same here and Holly my friends are in traffic so let's spend some time together before they get here maybe you tell me what's happened since I last saw you

Holly: Ok

Then they go in the store

Mint: So what have you been up to

Holly: Well Hype and I are raising two kids named Stone and Lily and there's one on the way

Mint: Oh congrats 😄

Hype: Thanks we can't wait

Mint: You hoping for a girl or boy?

Holly: Well I don't really care which gender it is

Hype: I don't care either I just want Holly to have a safe delivery

Holly: The doctors will help me make sure that I have a safe delivery

Mint: Yeah I hope I can find someone special like you did Holly

Holly: You will but not if your friends keep hanging out with you every hour of every day

Mint: Yeah I know but I can't shake them

Troll: Mint

Mint: Oh no they're here

Holly: Oh come on 😒

Mint: Hey guys I was just spending some time with my cousin and her husband but maybe we can do this later

Troll 1: Mint we came here to do the vid you didn't ask Holly to do anything before we made plans yesterday

Holly: Ugh 😒

Hype: What's wrong?

Holly: They always do this they make seem like I'm not important to Mint and say that she and I schedule things a day after they make plans when Mint and I have tried planning a day together for probably 2 months now

Hype: Wow that's bad

Holly: Yeah I know

Hype: Want me to talk to them?

Holly: Please don't honey 😣

Hype: Are you ok?

Holly: Yeah let's just go

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