This is based off of Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas and Lavender is a young adult in this
Lavender and her husband River had two kids Marsh and Magenta
Marsh: Mommy! Daddy! I can't wait for tomorrow 😄
Lavender: Yeah Christmas is an exciting time
River: I remember our first Christmas together nice and peaceful
Lavender: Good luck getting the peaceful with Marsh and Magenta honey
River: I know and we should probably be keeping an eye on Magenta here
Magenta: Dada 😄
Lavender: Aww how was your nap little one
Magenta: Mama 😄
River: I think she had a really nice nap
Lavender: Yeah I'm glad to be at my first home for Christmas it's where I had my first one before we moved
River: Was there a reason Lav?
Lavender: Bang said something about the neighbor but I honestly don't remember since I was a baby
River: Ok
Then they go inside but Marsh stayed outside to play in the snow
Troll: What is going on?
Marsh: Sorry sir but I was just playing it's Christmas Eve and that means Santa comes later tonight 😄
Troll: 😆 Oh Santa isn't real
Marsh: What? But mommy said that she met him when she was Magenta's age
Troll: Oh Lavender she's crazy like her father believes everything she hears 😆
Marsh: 🥺
Then he goes into the pod
River: Well we should at least have some peaceful time together at night
Lavender: Yeah in bed
River: Whatever works just as I spend some time with my beautiful wife
Lavender: Oh River
Then she kisses him
Magenta: Marshy 😄
Marsh: Hi Magenta 😔
Lavender: Oh what's wrong?
Marsh: Santa isn't real
River: Oh who told you a thing like that?
Marsh: Our neighbor
River: Oh
Lavender: Don't say it River there's a kid and baby in the room
River: Fine anyway how dare the neighbor say that 😡
Lavender: Marsh Santa is real I saw him with my own eyes when I was Magenta's age
River: You can also ask your uncle Bang as well he was there too and was your age
Marsh: Yeah right 😒
Trolls Short Story and Fanfiction Book 2
FanfictionThe first book got full and couldn't go any further so this is it continued