Trism Anniversary

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Trickee woke up and today was a special day it was his and Prism's first anniversary

Trickee: Morning Prism

Prism: Morning honey *kisses him*

Trickee: I can't wait for what is planned today

Prism: Yeah aren't you gonna go out with your friends

Trickee: No I plan on spending time with you

Prism: I think that you told your friends that you would go to town with them

Trickee: Well ok *thinking* I can probably get Prism a gift in town as well

Then he went to his friends and they went to town and got prism a sketchbook and seeds of her favorite flower the rainbow rose

Trickee: Ok I gotta get back to Prism

Branch: No not yet

Trickee: Why not?

What Trickee didn't know was that Prism was planning on surprising him with something at the pod but needed some time so she asked Hype, Branch, Boom, and Ablaze to distract Trickee

Branch: Well because we want to

Boom: Spend time with you and have some fun

Trickee: Sounds nice but I got to get home

Hype: You can't

Then they bring Trickee throughout town and Trickee gets annoyed and decides to sneak away but gets caught

Hype: We'll be right back

Ablaze: Stay put

Trickee: Yeah don't worry about me I totally not going to go anywhere 😒

Then they went to get food

Trickee: Wow that was so dumb

Then he decides to run for it and kismet comes back

Boom: Wait where'd he go?

Branch: Oh he got away

Hype: Told you one of us should've watched him

Ablaze: He's not a kid Hype

Then Boom banged into someone

Boom: Sorry

Trickee: It's ok gotta go see you

Boom: Bye 😄

Branch: Boom that was Trickee

Boom: Wait what

Branch: 🤦🏼‍♂️

Then Ablaze goes after Trickee and grabs him

Trickee: Let go 😠

Ablaze: Come on bud

Then later Trickee got sad cause he felt like he was being a bad husband for not spending the day with Prism on their first anniversary

Trickee: 😔

Eddy: Hey Trickee

Trickee: Eddy what a surprise

Eddy: Just passing by. What's wrong? Shouldn't you be with Prism?

Trickee: I can't my friends are keeping me from her 

Eddy: I don't see them

Trickee: They'll just find me and hunt me down again

Eddy: Get up

Trickee: What? 

Eddy: I am not gonna let my best friend miss his first anniversary 

Then he grabs Trickee's arm and runs 

Trickee: Slow down Eddy 

Eddy: Why?

Trickee: I need to find a rainbow rose 

Eddy: Why?

Trickee: I gave one to Prism on our first date and I want to find one for her 

Eddy: Ok but we have to hurry before the others find you

Trickee: Ok 

Then the two were able to find some rainbow roses and Trickee made a bouquet out of them 

Hype: There he is

Eddy: Come on Trick let's go 

Then he grabs Trickee's arm and runs

Trickee: Ed buddy we can't outrun them on foot 

Eddy: Well I got another plan jump on my back

Trickee: What?

Then Eddy takes out his skateboard and Trickee gets on his back and Eddy skates really fast 

Trickee: Careful Eddy you might skate us into a tree 

Eddy: Don't worry bud I got this and I'm gonna get you home 

Then Eddy is able to skate Trickee home

Eddy: Made it and in 10 minutes 

Trickee: Thanks bud let's just hope that my bandmates didn't think you kidnapped me 

Eddy: Eh you can always tell them something to cover it since they don't know me yet 

Trickee: Anyway thanks for helping me Eddy

Eddy: No problem Trickee

Then Eddy leaves and Trickee goes to his pod and Prism comes out

Prism: Hi honey

Trickee: Hi Prism 

Then he gives her the bouquet 

Prism: Trickee they're lovely 

Trickee: I know they're your favorite flower Prism and look I'm sorry I would've been here sooner but my friends wouldn't let me leave and I understand if you can't forgive me for not spending time with you on our first anniversary 

Prism: Whoa calm down Trickee first what's important is that you tried to come home to me that shows me how much you cared and second I told them to distract you

Trickee: Wait what?

Prism: Let me show you why

Then she blindfolds him and brings him inside

Trickee: What's going on?

Then Prism takes the blindfold off and Trickee sees that she recreated the scene of their first date

Trickee: Prism you did this?

Prism: Yes I thought since this is our first anniversary that I would recreate the scene of our first date 

Trickee: That's sweet 

Then they got changed into their pjs and Trickee put a rainbow rose in Prism's hair and gave her the sketchbook and seeds

Prism: Trickee there's one more surprise for you

Then she hands him an envelope and a photo album with their love story 

Trickee: What's this?

Prism: Just read the note and you'll see

 Then Trickee read the note

Note: Since our first kiss, the baby kiss, to dating and getting married I can tell that our bond is the strongest there is and we both know that one day we want to start our own family and after a year of being together two days ago I found out that soon our family will be starting out as our first baby is on it's way 

Trickee: You're pregnant?

Prism: Yes 

Trickee: Oh Prism that's great 

Then he kisses her and they spend the night together and have a great anniversary 

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