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The imitating troll called Twister's number

In the Snow Kingdom

Twister: Hello?

Imitating Troll (over the phone): *imitating Floyd* Hey Twist 

Twister: Floyd?

Imitating Troll (over the phone): *imitating Floyd* Yeah 

Twister: What's up?

Imitating Troll (over the phone): *imitating Floyd* I was thinking that we should meet up in the cave near the creek 

Twister: Ok see you there Floyd

Then he hangs up

Twister: Let's go pay him a visit

Troll: Yeah let's

Then they head to the cave

Twister: Hello?

Imitating Troll: That was fast

Twister: What do you want?

Imitating Troll: Info about the Snow Kingdom and you're gonna give it or else they get hurt

Then Twister sees Kismet in the pit

Twister: Oh no

Imitating Troll: So I suggest giving me the info

Twister: I don't have the info you want

Imitating Troll: Ha you're captain of the guard so you have to have the info I want

Twister: Nope no info that you want

Imitating Troll: Stop pretending

Then he grabs Twister's arm and Twister pulls away 

Imitating Troll: What's this paint?

Then Twister puts his hand where the paint came off

Imitating Troll: You're not the real Twister are you?

Troll: You're right he's not 

Then a troll stepped forward and pull his hood down and revealed himself

Twister: I am

Imitating Troll: What? Then who's this?

Then the troll wiped the paint off his face and took the light blue contacts out of his eyes

Imitating Troll: What? How'd you do it?

Twister: You called me in Floyd's voice but he was actually right there with me when you called so I knew something was up so I painted Floyd to look like me and pretend to be me while I took down your men

Imitating Troll: What?

Twister: You have to think things through if you plan on taking me down you'd have to outsmart me and work on who to imitate when calling and now let's end this

Imitating Troll: Oh boy 

Then Twister draws his sword and fights the imitating troll

Imitating Troll: What's the big deal you and Winter banished me 

Twister: And you wonder why you were banished cause you put others in danger and tried killing Princess Winter, Princess Frost, and Prince Ash once 

Imitating Troll: Well I want to rule and Winter is stupid to give the throne to her cousin Ash to go after some Pop troll 

Twister: Ash is a great ruler and Winter knows what she's doing and she can choose what she wants and you were never gonna be in line to the throne 

Imitating Troll: Better a Snow Troll than a half Pop and Snow Troll ruling with his Pop Troll wife 

Twister: Ash and Pearl are great rulers 😡

Then Twister pushes the troll into another part of the cave and uses his powers to lock the troll in 

Twister: Thank troll for the ice powers Snow Trolls have

Floyd: You ok Twist?

Twister: Yeah I'm fine glad he's out of the way now

Floyd: Let's help Kismet out of the pit

Twister: Huh?

Floyd: Oh right you were taking down the others come on

Then they help get Kismet out of the pit

Branch: Floyd? How do you know Twister?

Floyd: He's a friend of mine

Boom: Ok

Twister: Nice meeting you all but I have to report to Winter, Ash, and Pearl that the imitating troll has been trapped for now 

Hype: Ok 

Then Twister leaves and they all go home 

Trolls Short Story and Fanfiction Book 2Where stories live. Discover now