Friend Or Enemy?

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Kismet was walking when a group of trolls grabbed them

Wani: That was easy

K-Pop Troll: It was Wani now what

Wani: Dae we take them to Loki

Dae: Isn't he known as a trickster?

Wani: Sometimes but little cuz we have to do our job and this is your first job with the K-Pop Gang besides if he was a huge trickster he wouldn't have hired us

Then Tresillo and his group arrive

Branch: Oh not this again

Wani: What are you doing here?

Tresillo: We were hired to hunt down Kismet

Wani: Not happening

Then Ablaze sees Miguel but sees that he looks different and has reggaeton troll marking on him

Ablaze: Miguel?

Tresillo: I see you have a member of your group

Wani: Yep my cousin Dae

Marimba: Does she know what she's doing?

Tambora: Yeah or is she clueless and needs explaining about how to do bounty hunting?

Ari: How dare you Dae is doing really well as a bounty hunter 😠

Baby Bun: Yeah

Wani: If I'm not mistaking you have a new member as well

Tresillo: Yeah Miguel but unlike Dae he's actually ready for this and not asking questions about what to do next

Wani: Why you 😡

Miguel: Nosotros podemos tomar el trabajo desde aquí

Dae: Not so fast Mike we're taking them

Miguel: It's Miguel 😡

Tresillo: Just like her cousin I see

Wani: Pretty much

Miguel: Como te atreves a llamarme por ese nombre. No harías bien la caza de recompensas por tu cuenta si tu vida dependiera de ello 😡

Marimba: Oh bad choice making him mad Dae

Tambora: Yeah

Dae: I have no clue what you're saying but I can tell that it's either insulting or bad 😡

Miguel: Me he entrenado para como mi primo toda mi vida y no dejare que una chica de cabello verde azulado se interponga en mi camino 😡

Dae: I won't let a reggaeton troll that I can't understand get in my way 😡

Miguel: Loki nos contrato para cazaros, así que retroceda y déjenos capturarlos 😡

Dae: Loki?

Miguel: Si Loki

Wani: Loki hired you guys as well?

Tresillo: As well? He never said anything about another group being hired

Ari: That sneaky troll

Dae: Told you that he's a trickster

Wani: Well I guess we can just take them and split the money

Tresillo: Fine but I'm keeping my eye on you and Dae cause if Dae is anything like you it can't be good

Then the groups start to take Kismet to Loki

Ablaze: Miguel? You're not really serious with this right? You're not actually a bounty hunter right?

Miguel: Oh Ablaze lamento mucho que hayas tenido que enterarte así

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