This is based off of the Bluey episode Obstacle Course
Trickee's friend Eddy came over to hang out
Trixie was playing a game with Eddy but kept losing
Turbo: You have to let Trixie some times
Eddy: Why?
Trickee: Cause she's a child
Eddy: Letting her win doesn't teach her anything
Turbo: How does losing teach her stuff?
Trickee: Well I guess you learn to do better but what does losing every time do?
Eddy: I don't know I guess nothing
Trickee: Care for a memory game?
Eddy: You know I don't do well with memory games
Trickee: And why is that?
Eddy: I don't have a good memory
Aqua and Skate: 😭😭
Trickee: Well Aqua and Skate are awake
Eddy: I got it Trickee
Trickee: Ok if ya want but you know that Skate doesn't like being held by others
Eddy: Yeah I know
Then Eddy goes to get Skate and Aqua
Trixie: Dad can we build an obstacle course?
Trickee: If you want
Trixie and Turbo: Yay 😄😄
Then the two build an obstacle course and Trickee watches them
Skate: *crawls to Trickee* Dada 😄
Trickee: Hey buddy did you crawl here cause you didn't want to be carried
Skate: 😄
Eddy: Hey Trickee
Aqua: Dada 😄
Trickee: Hey Eddy and hello Aqua
Then he took Aqua from Eddy
Trickee: I'm guessing Skate didn't want to be carried
Eddy: Yeah
Trixie: Eddy we set up an obstacle course
Turbo: Want to have a go?
Eddy: Sure I can race you
Trickee: Eddy
Eddy: What?
Trickee: It's not a competition
Eddy: Just a race Trickee
Trickee: You always do this it's the reason why my bandmates don't know you cause of your competitive nature
Eddy: Eh it's all for fun Trickee
Trickee: Uh huh Chase was in the hospital once cause of a race you and I were doing and we crashed into him
Eddy: How was I supposed to see him
Trickee: Eddy were adults now I don't want the kids to turn everything into a competition because of your competitive nature
Eddy: Oh still chicken I see
Trickee: Ugh you will never learn
Turbo: What's chicken
Eddy: I'm saying your dad is scared of competition
Trickee: Am not I just don't like that you turn everything into a competition
Then Trixie and Turbo race Eddy but lose
Trickee: Ok Eddy you had your race now enough of the competition
Eddy: Ok fine
Then he gets a call from a friend and goes to take it
Trixie: Dad how you beat Eddy?
Trickee: It's pretty easy you just have to practice
Turbo: Practice?
Trickee: Yeah the more you practice the better you get
Trixie: Ok
Trickee: Wait you're not thinking of racing Eddy again?
Trixie: Yes 😄
Trickee: Ok Trix it will take a lot of practice
Trixie: Ok
Then Trickee helps Trixie and Turbo practice and they race Eddy again with Trixie winning
Trolls Short Story and Fanfiction Book 2
Fiksi PenggemarThe first book got full and couldn't go any further so this is it continued