Miguel had been hiding part of himself from his friends he was part air troll and part reggaeton trollMiguel was hanging out with his friends when he saw Tresillo who is his cousin and gets worried
Ablaze: You ok?
Miguel: Tengo que irme, mi mama me envió un mensaje de texto y me dice que me necesita en casa
Ablaze: Oh ok
Miguel: Adios
Then he leaves and goes to Tresillo and goes into the forest
Miguel: What are you doing here?
Tresillo: I was looking for you primo you were supposed to meet me for bounty hunter training today
Miguel: Oh I forgot that
Tresillo: What's on your face? It's covering your markings
Then he starts to wipe the makeup off
Miguel: Primo don't
Tresillo: It's covering the markings on your face
Miguel: I put that makeup on for a reason
Tresillo: Well I'd like to hear it
Miguel: Fine I put the makeup on my face to hide my marking from my friends
Tresillo: ¿Por que?
Miguel: Cause my friends don't like bounty hunters and the reggaeton trolls they know about are
Trasillo: Not all reggaeton trolls are bounty hunters just mainly me and my friends and some others
Miguel: I know but I don't want them to think that I'm like the others and Ablaze has the worst opinion of reggaeton trolls cause of what happened to his friend Branch
Tresillo: Oh I remember that but I am not like that anymore that was only because our music was gonna be destroyed and I needed to make sure it was safe that was a one time thing
Miguel: Good cause if I wanna be like you then you'll have to not take up jobs like that
Tresillo: Well I can't tell when the trolls that hire me and my friends are crazy
Then Tresillo finishes wiping the paint off Miguel's face
Miguel: Aye primo
Tresillo: Well you shouldn't hide who you are and if you have to from your friends they must not be good ones
Miguel: I'll tell them when I'm ready
Tresillo: Ok ready for training
Miguel: You bet
Then Tresillo trains Miguel
Miguel: Thanks for doing this primo
Tresillo: No problem
Then Miguel sees his friends
Miguel: You have to hide
Tresillo: ¿Por qué? 🤨
Then Miguel pushes Tresillo in a cave
Tresillo: Ow 😣
Miguel: *pulls his hood up*
Ablaze: Hey Miguel
Miguel: Hola amigos
Sandbar: I thought you were going home
Miguel: Terminé lo que mi mamá necesitaba ayuda
Flynn: Ok
Miguel: Qué estás haciendo aquí
Ablaze: I thought I saw that reggaeton bounty hunter troll Tresillo Branch told me he was trouble and we saw him near you and thought you were in trouble
Tresillo: 😡 *thinking* This must be the troll Miguel was talking about 😡
Miguel: Probablemente estables viendo cosas. Estoy perfectamente bien 😅
Ablaze: Why is your hood up it's not cold out
Miguel: 😰 *thinking* If Ablaze pulls my hood down then they'll see my markings and my secret will be revealed 😰
Tresillo: *thinking* Miguel says he needs time before he tells them the truth I gotta help him before this Ablaze guy pulls his hood down
Then Tresillo grabs Miguel with his hair
Ablaze, Marco, Sandbar, Raj, and Flynn: Miguel 😱😱😱😱😱
Then Tresillo takes Miguel away
Ablaze: 😡 *thinking* This troll causes nothing but problems 😡
Then Tresillo took Miguel home
Miguel: Primo what the heck
Tresillo: What do expect me to do? Go up to them and tell them to leave you alone? Your friend has such a bad opinion of me
Miguel: Well thanks for helping keep my secret
Tresillo: Just promise me that you won't hide your markings forever
Miguel: I promise

Trolls Short Story and Fanfiction Book 2
FanfictionThe first book got full and couldn't go any further so this is it continued