Ablaze's Past

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Trickee: What did we do?

Hype: I think we ruined our friendship with Ablaze 

Boom: How long has he known those trolls for?

Then the cave's magic worked and showed the past

Queen Cora: Ablaze 

Ablaze: 😄

Queen Cora: Aunt Cora wants you to meet someone 

Then she picks Ablaze up from his crib and takes him to meet someone

King Blaze: He is so cute Coast 

Coast: Thanks he is a cute baby 

Baby: 😄

Then Cora comes with Ablaze

Ablaze: 😄 

Coast: Hey sis meet Sandbar 

Queen Cora: He's so cute 🥰

Ablaze: 😄 *introduces himself  in baby talk*

Sandbar: 😄 *introduces himself in baby talk*

Phoenix: So cute 🥰

Flame: Yeah the two are getting along well

Coast: Yeah they are cute and probably will have a really strong bond

Dizzy: Hey Andrew 

Andrew: Hey Dizzy what do you think of your brother?

Dizzy: He's cute and really peaceful like dad 

Sandbar and Ablaze: 😄😄 *playing with each other*

Then the cave showed Ablaze when he was one and on his first day of daycare

Ablaze: Dada 🥺

Flame: Don't worry Ablaze you'll make friends

Then Flame hands him to the troll running the daycare 

Ablaze: 🥺

Troll: Now now he'll be back 

Then she places him with the others 

Ablaze: 😭

Sandbar: Ablaze? Are you ok?

Ablaze: Sandbar? 🥺

Then the two cousins hugged 

Sandbar: Unkle Flame will come back

Ablaze: When? 🥺

Sandbar: I can't tell time but come and meet my friends 

Ablaze: Ok 

Then they crawl to some other one year olds 

Sandbar: Ablaze meet Marco, Flynn, Miguel, and Raj

Raj: Hi hi 😄

Marco: Nice to meet you Ablaze 

Miguel: Hola

Flynn: Hi 

Ablaze: Hi 

Marco: Wow Prince Ablaze here in the daycare this is so cool 😄

Ablaze: I'm not the only prince Sandbar is a prince too he's my aunt's son 

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