Off To Save Friends

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Then they made it to Breeze's mansion and saw a troll that looked like Breeze but had magenta streaks in his hair

Boom: Hey Breeze

Troll: Huh? What are you talking about? I'm not Breeze 🤨

Trickee: You look like Breeze

Troll: Yo Breeze

Breeze: What's up?

Troll: These trolls think I'm you

Dario: Are you a clone of Breeze? 🤨

Breeze: 😂

Bush: What's so funny?

Breeze: Oh this is my little brother Meteor

Boom: How big is Florian's family?

Breeze: Pretty big

Meteor: Breeze who the heck are they?

Breeze: They're friends of Florian. But why are you here? Florian isn't home he went on an adventure

Ablaze: About that he's being held captive

Breeze and Meteor: What?!

Then Boom hands Breeze the letter

Breeze: Oh this has gone too far FOWL 😡

Then they hear a crash sound

Meteor: And there's Crash

Then they go to where Crash is

Crash: Came as soon as you called

Windy: And the crashed I the see

Crash: That's my name don't wear it out

Rosie: Ok say what you want Breeze but we're coming

Lance: Yeah you can't expect us to abandon our friends in a time of need

Liam: Yeah and you might need some magical assistance

Rojo: Florian helped me not be a killer robot anymore

Esme: Clementine is a close friend to me

Julia: The Opal is the in danger

Pineapple: I'm not letting FOWL take my brother away

Brezzie: Yeah I'm not gonna sit here and not do anything while my brother is in danger

Blossom: So are we gonna do the thing where we sneak along anyway?

Hazel: Or are the we gonna get the our the family the back?

Breeze: Fine come along

Rosie: Wow that easy

Lance: Usually we have to sneak on

Breeze: Come on before I change my mind

Then they go into another plane and fly towards FOWL

Breeze: Ok Windy, Raindrop, Meteor, Crash, Newton, and I will go down while you all stay here and Julia will pilot

Rojo: Why?

Breeze: I might lose my family to FOWL I'm not losing anyone else

Then Liam puts an invisible cloak spell on the plane and Newton, Windy, Raindrop, Crash, Meteor, and Breeze leave the plane and go to FOWL

Trickee: Can't believe we have to wait here

Hype: Give it a rest Trickee. Breeze doesn't want to lose anyone else

Julia: Oh the dad the be the safe 😥

Lexie: Wait is Julia worried?

Julia: 😰 *thinking* The what if the FOWL the kills the Opal and the dad the then what the will the happen

Then the plane started to fly crazy due to Julia's worrying

Liam: Julia calm it down you're flying the plane

Julia: 😰

Cyclone: Hey it's ok Julia you and your family have gotten out of way worse situations than this. Your dad and brother will be ok trust me

Julia: The ok

Then she stopped worrying and started to fly the plane right

A few minutes later

Liam: Guys I can't hold the cloak spell up much longer

Then he passed out from holding the cloak spell up too long

Esme: Liam 😨

Rojo: Oh no 😨

Then they go to him

Esme: Rojo scan him to make sure he's ok

Rojo: Scanning

Then Rojo scans Liam

Rojo: He's ok just tired from holding up the spell for too long

Esme: Oh thank goodness 😮‍💨

Then the plane was hit by an enemy plane and they crashed to the ground

A few minutes later

Julia: 😣 My the head

Liam: 😣 That was some crash

Lance: 😣 How about that the one time Crash isn't here to crash the plane

Then Rosie trips over a head which is Rojo's and she picks it up

Rosie: 😨

Then she drops Rojo's head

Rosie: Ok we gotta get our stories straight. Umm he was like this when we found him

Rojo: Found who? 🤨

Rosie: 😨

Esme: Man how I hated that feeling when I was like Rojo

Hype: What do you mean 🤨

Esme: Oh before I was 13 I was a robot but then Star granted my wish to be a real troll so I could be with my dad forever

Hype: What 🤯

Boom: I didn't think Star could do that

Then Esme finds Rojo's body and attaches his head back on

Rojo: Ah much better thank you Esme

Esme: No problem

Then they go to find the others

Trolls Short Story and Fanfiction Book 2Where stories live. Discover now