Twister's Siblings

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Floyd was heading to the Snow Kingdom to visit Twister

Branch: Where is he going?

Trickee: That's the way to the Snow Kingdom

Branch: Why would he go there

Boom: Let's follow him and see why

Then they follow Floyd and see him go to a frozen lake

Twister: Hey you're here

Floyd: Hey Twist. Hi Noelle

Noelle: Hi Floyd come to do some ice skating?

Floyd: Maybe in a little bit

Domino: Floyd 😄

Frosty: He's here 😄

Jack: Yay 😄

Twister: Floyd watch out the triplets

Floyd: Huh?

Then the three hug Floyd and cause him to fall in the snow

Floyd: Hey guys

Jack: You're here you're really here 😄

Floyd: Yes I'm here good thing I'm in winter wear

Twister: Yeah good thing

Then he helps Floyd up

Frosty: Floyd can we make a frosty treat?

Floyd: Sure but I was kinda hoping to spend some one on one time with your older brother

Jack: Come on let's have a snowball fight 😄

Frosty: No I asked first

Floyd: Guys we can talk about this

Twister: Ok ok that's enough Jack we can do a snowball fight later and Frosty we can make a frosty treat later as well but Floyd and I were hoping to spend some time together just one on one but we will all do stuff together later

Frosty and Jack: Oh ok

Domino: Sing later? 🥺

Twister: Sure

Domino: Yay 😄

Then Noelle watches the triplets while Floyd and Twister talk

Floyd: So that imitator has been bothering you for months

Twister: Yeah I'm glad he's locked up for now he probably will break out in a month or two due to the weather

Floyd: Ok I'm sure you'll stop him again you're one of the bravest and smartest guys I know

Twister: Thanks Floyd I never thought I would be captain of the guard

Floyd: And you do great at it

Twister: Thanks so how are things with you and Boom going?

Floyd: Good just waiting for the second egg to hatch

Twister: Nice I wish I could find someone like that

Floyd: I'm sure you will just careful with who you trust

Twister: Yeah Colton was a huge jerk to do that to you and what he did to Flora that was so cruel

Floyd: It was I still can't believe Flora and I dated two of the same trolls

Twister: That's crazy I guess you really are twins

Floyd: Very funny Twist so the triplets still fight

Twister: Only Frosty and Jack. Domino is so quiet he mainly plays with his dominos he hardly fights

Floyd: Wow

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