Trickee And Eddy's Past

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Back in the cave

Hype: What?

Branch: Trickee has a secret friend?

Boom: How'd they meet?

Then the cave shows them

The past:

Leo was playing with his newborn son Trickee 

Trickee: 😄

Leo: Such a happy baby 

May: Leo can you come here I need some help with the food for dinner

Leo: Ok May now you stay put Trickee 

Trickee: 😄

Then Leo goes to help May out and comes back later

Leo: Trickee where'd you go?

Trickee: 😄

Then Leo sees Trickee crawling to the door 

Leo: Oh come back here Trickee

Then Trickee unlocks the door

Leo: Since when can he do that? 😧

Trickee: 😄

Then Trickee went outside and saw a mud puddle

Trickee: 😄 *thinking* Oh that looks like it will be fun

Then he gets in the mud puddle and plays in it 

Leo picks Trickee up

Trickee: Dada 😄 *thinking* Look what I found dada mud 

Leo: Oh you're proud of yourself  well bath time for you

Then he takes Trickee inside and goes to the bathroom and he decides to give Lyra a bath as well and he outs them in the bathtub 

Trickee: *tries to climb out*

Leo: Oh no buddy you gotta take a bath

Trickee: *thinking* No bath I wanna play 

Leo: The quicker we do this the quicker we can get back to playing 

Then he takes Trickee's googles off so he can clean him

Trickee: 🥺 *thinking* My googles 🥺

Leo: I know bud but I need to clean you 

Then he cleans Trickee and Lyra and takes them out and wraps them in towels and takes them to their room 

Trickee and Lyra: Dada 😄😄

Leo: Let's get you guys changed for bed 

Then he puts clean diapers on them and puts Lyra's onesie on her

Lyra: 😄

Leo: Ok Trickee let's wait where'd he go

Trickee: 😄 *crawling towards the door*

Leo: Geez he's quick

Then Leo picks Trickee up and puts a onesie on him and puts the googles back on

Trickee: 😄

Leo: That's better now come on I have someone coming over tonight for dinner 

Lyra and Trickee: 😄😄 *thinking* Yay meet dada's friend 😄😄

Then he places them in the living room and keeps an eye on Trickee until he hears the doorbell ring and answers it

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