Boom was on his way home from band practice and saw a male troll playing with a kid
Kid: Daddy this is the best day ever😄
Troll: I'm glad you're having fun
Then the two hug
Boom: *thinking* I hope Bang and I can spend some time together this weekend
Then he gets home
Boom: Bang? Remix? Floyd? Lavender?
Gleam: Hey Boom
Boom: Hi Gleam where is everyone?
Gleam: Floyd went to take Lavender to play with Periwinkle and Remix and Bang are upstairs
Boom: Ok
Then Boom goes upstairs
Remix: How was school Bang?
Bang: It was ok
Then Remix sees a flyer for a concert
Remix: You're performing?
Bang: Yeah playing my guitar
Remix: That's great 😄
Bang: I told dad already
Remix: Ok why don't you tell papa when he gets home?
Bang: Why? He probably won't even go
Remix: Probably not true Bang
Bang: It is every time I have something like a concert or something important papa is either doing something with his bandmates or at band practice
Remix: Sometimes it can be hard being in a band Bang
Bang: Does he even care? We never get to see him he's always busy
Remix: He does care Banger
Bang: It doesn't feel like it
Remix: I'm sure that soon papa will be able to spend more time with us
Bang: I don't think so Remix I feel like he doesn't want to be part of my life
Remix: He does
Bang: Yeah right if I ran away he wouldn't notice
Remix: Bang he would he cares about you and does his job to help the family out
Bang: I just wish for once he would put the family first
Remix: He does
Bang: Really? Feels like he puts work and his friends first and leaves us second
Remix: Bang
Bang: That's what it feels like
Boom felt hurt about what Bang said about him not spending time with him and feeling like he wasn't part of his life and wanted to change that and spend more time with Bang
The next day
Bang: Dad can you help me out with this?
Floyd: Sure Boom can you take Lavender
Boom: Sure
Lavender: Dada 😄
Boom: Hey Lav
Floyd: What do you need help with Bang?
Bang: Just the song I need to play for you know what
Floyd: Ok let's work on this
Then Floyd helps Bang with the song
Bang: How was that?
Floyd: It was great
Bang: I hope I can play it perfectly
Floyd: It doesn't need to be perfect Bang it's important to have fun
Bang: Ok dad 😄
Remix: Yeah and you know the song well Bang so don't worry
Then his phone rings
Remix: I have to take this
Bang: Is it Pine 😏
Remix: Bang
Then Remix takes the call
Lavender: Bang Bang 😄
Bang: Hi Lav
Lavender: 😄
Then later Bang, Remix, and Lavender go to bed
Floyd: You ok Boom? You seem sad
Boom: It's just I heard Bang and Remix talk last night and
Floyd: What?
Boom: Bang hates me
Floyd: Hate is a strong word Boom I'm sure he doesn't hate you
Boom: Floyd he said that if he ran away that I wouldn't notice
Floyd: Wow that is bad
Boom: What do I do?
Floyd: Well you gotta show Bang that you want to be there for him
Boom: Ok how? He won't even talk to me the most I get is a sentence or two
Floyd: Sunday night Bang has a concert at his school I want you to go no matter what
Boom: Ok
Floyd: I know you care about the kids but what Bang sees is a dad that just wants to work what you want him to see is a dad that cares about him. If you go to his concert and some other things that he does he'll see that you care about him and that you want to be there
Boom: Ok

Trolls Short Story and Fanfiction Book 2
FanfictionThe first book got full and couldn't go any further so this is it continued