Babysitting Disaster

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BroZone, Poppy, and Viva were asked to come to Maple Leaf's pod

Poppy: Hey Mapes what's up

Maple Leaf: Come in I can't wait for you to meet the little ones

Viva: Little ones? 🤨

Babies: 😄😄😄

Cloud: Confetti and Gale just woke up from their naps

Maple Leaf: Guys meet my daughters Gale, Confetti, and Sap

Gale: Mama 😄

Confetti: Dada 😄

Sap: Mama Dada 😄

Poppy: OMG so cute 😄

Then she picked Sap up and hugged her

Sap: *squeals* 😄

Cloud: She's a very happy baby

Maple Leaf: Confetti is a calm and peaceful baby and Gale is a little much around new trolls but she's a sweetie when she warms up to you

Then they start to leave

Gale: Mama Dada 🥺

Maple Leaf: We'll be home soon Gale

Then they leave

Gale: 🥺

Viva: Ok let's watch these three for Maple Leaf and Cloud

Then she picks Gale up

Gale: *squirms*

Viva: What's wrong?

Gale: 😠

Branch: Oh boy

Gale: *spits in Viva's face*

Viva: Gale what are you doing?

Then Gale uses her air powers to get on the floor and uses them to tie BroZone, Poppy, and Viva up

Gale: 😌

Sap: 🤨

Confetti: 😄

Then Gale goes and gets their bottles and gives them to ther sisters using her powers and drinks her own

Gale, Sap, and Confetti: *enjoying their bottles*

Poppy: That's so cute 🥰

Branch: Poppy Gale tied us up and now there's no one to watch them

Viva: Yeah what if someone attacks the pod

Sap: 🥺

Bruce: Oh no

Sap: 😭

Floyd: Oh poor baby

John Dory: What's she upset about?

Clay: Yeah she ate and I don't smell anything so it can't be a diaper change so what is it

Sap: *rubs her eyes* 😭

Branch: She's tired Cloud and Maple Leaf never said that she had a nap they just said that Gale and Confetti had naps

Gale: *gives Sap a teddy bear*

Sap: 🥺 *hugs her teddy bear*

Gale: *hugs her sister*

Sap: 🥺

Confetti: *hugs Sap and Gale*

Then John Dory used a pocket knife to cut the ropes

Viva picks up Sap and rocks her to sleep

Sap: 😴

Gale: 😠

Then Poppy picks Gale up

Gale: *squirms*

Poppy: It's ok Gale. I've seen what you've been doing and I can tell you're very independent but your mama and dada want you safe and they told us to come watch you so no one attacked and took you away but you are such a cute and independent baby

Gale: 😄 *hugs Poppy*

Poppy: Awww 🥰

Gale: Auntie Poppy 😄

Poppy: Aww 🥰

Then Maple Leaf and Cloud came home and saw the ropes on the ground and a bit of a mess

Maple Leaf: 😨

Then she nearly passes out

Cloud: Easy honey

Then he takes her to the couch to sit

Maple Leaf m: What happened? Did someone try to kidnap them? 😨

Poppy: No sis no one did Gale tied us up

Cloud and Maple Leaf: Ooh that makes sense

BroZone, Poppy, and Viva: Wait what? 😧😧😧😧😧😧😧

Maple Leaf: She tied the last babysitter up so we decided only family and friends babysit and looks like she's comfortable with you Poppy

Gale: Auntie Poppy 😄

Poppy: Aw she sure is 🥰

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