Total Drama Island

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Kismet was watching Tv

On TV:

Reed: Last time on Total Drama Island the teams went through a Jurassic challenge after eating an all bean breakfast and had to keep quiet and every little butt yodel drew the attention of the raptors and Nut got his wish and got eliminated right after he decided he wanted to stay. What's next? Find out on Total Drama Island

Florian: I can't the believe you the blew up a raptor and the most of the kitchen

Moss: Yeah that was wicked

Bush: Yeah but we almost died

Trunk: How did I let you talk me into doing this

Moss: Oh I didn't talk you into doing it remember I dared you to do it

Trunk: Ugh can't believe that happened

Moss: Oh come on you're doing great

Then they hear loud steps coming to the dinning cabin

Florian: The are the raptors the back? 😨

Then a girl named Wren comes in

Wren: Hello there

Arbor: What's up Wren insulting critters 😆

Then Wren hits him with a burrito 🌯

Maple: You can't slap a troll with his own burrito

Then Wren throws the burrito 🌯 at her

Florian: The hey 😠

Maple: It's ok I'm fine

Florian: The that was the still the rude

Then the air horn goes off

Reed: Challenge Time

Then they go to the next challenge

Reed: Welcome to Stranger Flings

Dandelion: Fling? 😨

Florian: Do you the have a the problem with the that?

Dandelion: Uh no 😰

In the outhouse:

Florian: I the can the tell that the Dandelion is the scared so the this will be the fun to the watch 😆

Back to the challenge:

Maple: Ok let's do this 😄

Dario: Hey what does this do? 🤨

Then he pulls the lever and it flings Maple into one of the creators by mistake

Bush: Dario

Dario: Oh so that's what the lever does

Trunk: 🤦🏼‍♂️

Wren: Ok who's going first

Florian: I the guess the I will

Then he gets in the catapult

Wren: Ready troll with the broken speech

Florian: You the know the my the name

Then he gets flung

Florian: 😫

Reed: Florian has got quite a loud scream

Then Florian lands in a target but is dizzy from it 

Florian: The whoa 😵‍💫 

Then he fell into a creator

Florian: Where the am the I

Then he sees a bull

Florian: 😱

Bull: 😡

Then Florian finds a way out

Bush: Ok Trunk do you need me to hold your glasses so they don't fall off

Trunk: Sure

Then he hands his glasses to Bush and gets flung into the target

Bush: Nice

Then he goes to Trunk to give him his glasses

Trunk: *puts his glasses on* Thanks Bush

Bush: No prob

Then a troll named Aspen was flung but it was too far and he landed into a creator

Aspen: I think I landed in barf

Reed: Nope Tapioca pudding

Rock: The evilest pudding of all

Moss: Gross 

Florian: The ew

Then Aspen gets out

Bush: Dandelion get in I'm flinging you

Dandelion: What 😨

Then Maple and Dario put her in and Bush flings her into the target

They keep going until the last target was revealed

Bush: Dario you have to do this one

Dario: Ok what are we doing again

Bush: I have to fling you through a storm into the last target

Dario: Dude did I just say yes to that 🤨

Then Bush flings Dario to the target and Wren flings herself to the target

Bush: Oh no Dario is dropping too early

Wren: We're dropping too early well at least neither of us will get points for our teams what are you doing

Dario: Dropping weight

Then he takes his backpack off

Trunk: Um that's not how the law of physics works 😐

Then Dario manages to land in the target and earn the win for his team and the other team votes Wren off

Then the tv turns off

Boom: What?

Trickee: Wow never expected them to be on

Boom: I don't know what got them on especially Trunk he's never do something like that

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