The Ninja Steel World

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Bush: I'm gonna be honest I'm worried about Trunk

Moss: Yeah he's afraid of everything that he can't leave his room

Boom: What happened?

Dario: We don't know

Then they go into a cave

Memory: I want to show you something it has to do with Trunk

Florian: The ok

Then she shows them another world aka the world that is where Trolls Power Rangers Ninja Steel takes place

Boom: Um what does this have to do with Trunk

Memory: Just watch

Then they see the Ninja Steel world

In the world:

Ablaze: Trunk don't worry you're magic tricks will get better

Trunk: One day my friends and I went to a magic show when we were 5 and the magician made this dragon bracelet appear on my wrist and ever since then I've been fascinated with magic but my tricks never fool anyone

Ablaze: Well my siblings and I trained to be like a ninja and it was a struggle at first but it eventually clicked

Ablaze: Well my siblings and I trained to be like a ninja and it was a struggle at first but it eventually clicked

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Then Trunk hears a thumping sound in his hat and pulls out a rabbit

Trunk: 😧

Ablaze: See that trick was flawless

Trunk: No Ablaze you don't understand

Then he takes the cloth off his rabbit's cage

Trunk: This is my rabbit I only have one

Ablaze: Then where'd this other one come from?🤨

Then Trunk hears a thumping sound coming from his hat and pulls out another rabbit

Trunk: I have no clue where they're coming from

Ablaze: Maybe magic is starting to click for you

Trunk: I highly doubt that but maybe it's the magic of the ninja steel it could've altered some of my DNA and gave me magical abilities

Ablaze: That makes more sense the ninja steel is that powerful to alter DNA to a troll's deepest desire and for you that's magic

Trunk: I need to clear my head

Ablaze: Ok I'll take these two to a pet store but Trunk be careful you know what Venom did to Timber she could do the same to you

Trunk: Don't worry I got a plan for that

Then Trunk leaves to walk to clear his head

Trunk: Magical powers now huh could be useful for some things

Venom: Blue Ranger won't you be mine?

Trunk: Not really I'm not into girls I'm into guys

Venom: Don't care you will give me your power star

Trunk: Never 😠

Then he takes out his power star and the morpher and puts the power star in the morpher

Then he takes out his power star and the morpher and puts the power star in the morpher

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Trunk: Ninja spin

Then he morphs into the blue ranger and fights Venom

Venom: You can't escape my love arrows

Then she shoots one at Trunk and it hits him

Trunk: 😣 *demorphs*

Venom: I got him

Trunk: *pulls the arrow out* Venom I don't know why I didn't see it sooner 😍

Venom: Come here so we can be together

Trunk: You're my one true love 😍

Then he goes to Venom

Venom: If you love me then you'll give me your power star

Trunk: Of course my sweetness I just need to do one thing first

Then he grabs Venom's last love arrow and breaks it

Venom: No but how you said my love arrow struck you

Trunk: Oh yeah I did say that

Then he takes a metal chest plate off

Trunk: This is made of metal your arrow never touched me sorry Venom you shouldn't believe everything you hear

Venom: Tricked by a teen

Then Trunk morphs again and destroys her but she's hit by the Warrior Dome's gigantify ray and turns giant

Blue Ranger (Trunk): I need some help time to call the zord

Then he calls his zord which is a dragon

Blue Ranger (Trunk): Ok Dragon Zord let's take her down

Then the others get there and they destroy Venom

Trunk: Timber I see that you're back to normal

Timber: Yeah and now I have my eyes on one girl

Autumn: Oh Timber 🥰 *kisses him on the cheek*

Trunk: Awww 🥰

Ablaze: How'd you do it though?

Trunk: Used my smarts against her and fooled her

In the magical cave:

Moss: Wow didn't think Trunk would do that in another world

Dario: He must be really brave there

Then they go back to the palace and help Trunk with his bravery

Trolls Short Story and Fanfiction Book 2Where stories live. Discover now