Pop City

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Kismet went to Pop City to find Trickee after he was "taken" there

Branch: This may be harder than we thought

Ablaze: Yeah Pop City is so advanced compared to Pop Village

Boom: How are we gonna find this troll that took Trickee?

Then he stands in the street and a car comes

Branch: Boom look out

Then Branch pulls Boom out of the street before the car hit him

Hype: That thing almost killed Boom 😱

Ablaze: What is that anyway?

Branch: Maybe we should ask for directions

Then they try doing that but they have no luck

Branch: Geez how does Ivy live here?

Ablaze: I have no clue


Eddy: Ok Trickee don't make me regret teaching you how to drive

Trickee: You won't I have been able to drive some other stuff so maybe this will be easy

Andie: A car is not the same as critter vehicles Eddy honey are you sure this is a good idea

Eddy: Come on Andie what can go wrong?

Jason: Famous last words before everything goes wrong

Tech: Let's give Trickee a chance

Sean: Yeah

Trickee: Ok what do I do Ed

Then Eddy gives him instructions

Trickee: Ok got it

Eddy: Just be careful

Then Trickee starts to drive but has a few bumps

Tech: Stop

Camille: I think I'm gonna be sick 🤢

Moose: It's gonna be ok Cam

Camille: 🤢

Moose: Umm anyone have a bucket or barf bag cause Camille has to vomit

Sean: Here

Then he hands Moose a bucket that was in the car

Camille: 🤮

Moose: It's ok honey

Eddy: Ok Trickee bud slow down

Trickee: Ok

Then he hits the brakes

Eddy: Whoa ok we'll work on this a bit more before heading to the streets

Trickee: Ok

Eddy: Cam you ok?

Camille: Uh huh

Moose: She's ok now

Eddy: Ok Trickee if you're gonna drive you have to not hit the gas so hard

Trickee: Ok how hard should I hit it?

Eddy: Be gentle with it

Trickee: Ok

Then he tries again and does better and Eddy gives him directions to the hangout and Trickee drives them there

Trickee: Um Eddy how do we get in all I see are metal shipping crate

Eddy: Oh cause that's just what it looks like it's so enemies don't get in

Then he presses a button and the crate opens and Trickee drives in and Eddy closes the crate door when Trickee stops the car and they get out

Moose: I'm gonna take Camille to sit down

Eddy: Good idea

Then Moose takes Camille to a room in the hangout

Trickee: Whoa this is sick 😄

Eddy: I knew you'd like it

Andie: Yeah work on driving a bit though but this is where we hangout

Eddy: Sometimes we even spend nights in here

Trickee: Nice

Troll: Yeah it is

Trickee: Who are you?

Eddy: That's Gamma she's Tech's sister Gamma this is Trickee he's new to the mob

Gamma: Nice to meet you Trickee

Trickee: Same here Gamma

Eddy: Well I say we get the rest of the mob and head to the skatepark and have some fun

Trickee: Eddy problem

Eddy: What?

Trickee: I can't be seen by anyone

Eddy: Why?

Trickee: You know that I'm a member of a famous boyband I don't want to deal with the crazy fans

Eddy: Oh right ok I got an idea come with me

Then they go to another space in the hangout

Andie was texting someone about where the mob was going

Gamma: They'll eventually find out you can't be so sly forever

Andie: Ha what are you gonna do about it Gamma if you tell them then you're dead

Gamma: 😰

Eddy: Ok Camille

Camille: Yes

Then Eddy pushes Trickee forward towards her

Eddy: Go for it

Camille: 😄

Then she takes Trickee into another room

Trolls Short Story and Fanfiction Book 2Where stories live. Discover now