Branch was watching his new baby niece Neon who is Trent and Lumi's daughter
Neon: 🥺
Branch: I got you Neon
Then he gives her a bottle
Neon: *enjoying her bottle*
Boom: She's so cute 🥰
Hype: Well behaved too
Branch: Yeah at least she doesn't have powers and doesn't tie others up
Ablaze: Hey guys
Trickee: Hey Ablaze what took you so long
Ablaze: Maple Leaf asked me to babysit the triplets last minute
Gale: Blazie 😄
Ablaze: Hi Gale
Sap and Confetti: 😄😄
Neon: 😄
Then Kismet gets knocked unconscious
Kismet: *waking up*
Branch: What happened?
Trickee: Why are we tied up?
Andie: Looks like we caught you
Trickee: Andie 😡
Ablaze: Lucky 😡
Boom: Bones 😡
Bones: Hey Boomer miss me?
Boom: Only the Flower Guard can call me that 😡
Branch: Wait where are the babies? 😨
Neon: Unkle Branch 🥺
Branch: Neon 😨
Ablaze: Gale, Sap, Confetti 😨
Gale: 😠
Lucky; Wow this one has some attitude
Gale: 😠 *spits in his face*
Lucky: Ew baby spit
Ablaze: Nice Gale
Lucky: Put them away we'll deal with them later
Then they put Neon, Gale, Sap, and Confetti in a sack
Ablaze and Branch: No 😨😨
Andie: Aw they care a lot about these babies
Bones: 😆
Neon, Sap, and Confetti: 😭😭😭
Gale: 😡 *thinking* these meanies are going down
Then she uses her hair to open the sack and the babies crawl out and Gale uses magic to tie the bad trolls up
Kismet: Huh? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
Gale: 😌
Ablaze: Alright Gale 😄
Then Sap and Neon untie Kismet and they take Andie, Lucky, and Bones to prison

Trolls Short Story and Fanfiction Book 2
FanfictionThe first book got full and couldn't go any further so this is it continued