Kismet's Babysitting Disaster

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Kismet was chilling at the royal pod

Ablaze: I gotta go to the bathroom I'll be right back

Branch: Ok you don't need to tell us

Then Ablaze goes to the bathroom

Someone knocks on the door

Branch: I'll get it

Then Branch answers the door

Branch: Oh hey Maple Leaf

Maple Leaf: Hey Branch Cloud is visiting a friend and I have a last minute doctors appointment so I need you and Poppy to watch my triplets

Branch: You sure about it? Poppy isn't here

Maple Leaf: The babies are asleep so you should be fine

Gale, Sap, and Confetti: 😴😴😴

Then she hands them to Branch and leaves

Branch: Ok

Then he goes to his friends

Boom: Who was it?

Branch: My sister - in - law Maple Leaf

Sap and Confetti: 🥱🥱

Trickee: Aww 🥰

Hype: Who are these three cuties 🥰

Branch: My nieces Sap, Gale, and Confetti

Trickee: So cute 🥰

Confetti and Sap: Unkle Branch 😄😄

Branch: Keep it down I don't want your sister waking up

Boom: Why? 🤨

Branch: It's complicated

Gale: 🥱

Branch: No no no go back to sleep Gale

Gale: Auntie Poppy? 🥺

Branch: She's not here yet Gale

Gale: 😠 *squirms*

Branch: Ok I'll put you down

Then he puts the three down

Gale: *crawls towards the door*

Hype: Oh no

Then he picks her up

Gale: 😠 *spits in his face*

Hype: Why?

Then he takes her to the others and she uses her powers and ties Boom, Hype, Branch, and Trickee up

Branch: Not again 😩

Trickee: What?

Branch: She did this the last time I babysat her and her sisters

Gale: 😌

Then she crawls to get her bottle

Boom: Why didn't you tell us she had powers?

Then Ablaze comes back

Ablaze: Ok I'm back and *sees the others tied up* What the heck happened while I was gone?

Branch: You don't want to know

Gale: *sees Ablaze* 😠

Sap and Confetti: 🤨🤨

Gale: *tells her sisters what to do in baby talk*

Sap and Confetti: 😉😉

Then Sap grabs onto Ablaze's leg

Sap: 😄

Ablaze: Well hello there

Branch: Don't fall for it

Ablaze: Fall for what?

Then Confetti grabs his other leg

Confetti: 😄

Ablaze: Hello there

Then they cause Ablaze to fall and Gale uses her powers to tie him up

Ablaze: What the?

Then Gale crawls to him with a cloth

Gale: 😄

Then she gags him

Ablaze: Mmm!

Gale: 😌

Then she crawls to find Poppy

Sap: *sees Ablaze tied up* 🥺

Then she unties him

Ablaze: Thanks

Then he goes to get Gale and comes back

Gale: *squirms*

Ablaze: Hey it's ok I can see that you're independent but I'm sure your parents would rather you safe and under a watchful adult eye but I'm not gonna make you feel like you can't do anything on your own

Gale: 😄 *hugs him*

Ablaze: Aww such a cutie 🥰

Gale: 😊

Then Ablaze unties the others

Trickee: Thanks Ablaze

Gale: Blazie 😄

Ablaze: Aww hi 🥰

Gale: 🥺

Ablaze: What's wrong?

Gale:  Hungry 🥺

Ablaze: Ok

Then he finds her bottle and gives it to her and lets her have it own her own

Gale: *enjoying her bottle*

Ablaze: Aww 🥰

Then Poppy comes

Poppy: Hello

Gale: Auntie Poppy 😄

Poppy: Hi Gale

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