Christal and Sofia were watching Periwinkle and Genevieve's kids Courtney who is 4, Luca who is 2, and Cyan who is a newborn
Cyan: 😭
Sofia: It's ok Cyan
Then Sofia gives Cyan her bottle
Cyan: *enjoying her bottle*
Luca: *looking out the window*
Christal: What are you doing Luca?
Luca: Waiting for mommy and mama
Courtney: They won't be back for a while Luca so have some fun and don't sit there the whole time
Luca: I miss mama though 🥺
Courtney: I know that you don't like being apart from mama but she and mom have to visit another kingdom to talk about trade and stuff
Luca: Why couldn't we go?
Courtney: Cause mom and mama need to focus and talk and we're too young for that stuff anyway
Luca: I wish they weren't away for so long
Christal: They'll be back before you know it Luca
Sofia: Maybe a story would cheer you up Luca
Luca: Ok
Then he goes to Sofia and Christal and Courtney
Cyan: 😄
Sofia: Once upon a time there was a young princess named Periwinkle
Cyan: 🤩 *happy to hear her mom's name*
Christal: And Princess Periwinkle was a kind, caring, and beautiful princess but one day a troll named Kurt kidnapped her cause he wanted to make her his
Courtney: Why would he do that? Why not talk to her instead
Sofia: He didn't want anyone else to have a chance with her
Luca: But kidnapping is mean
Cyan: 🥺 *looking at the pages*
Sofia: There's more to this story Cyan don't worry
Christal: Yeah but Kurt trapped Princess Periwinkle in a tower for years
Luca and Courtney: Oh no
Sofia: A few years later Princess Periwinkle was 21 and she missed her family a lot
Princess Periwinkle: How can I find my way home if I leave Kurt will kill me
Then she sees a girl at the bottom of the tower
Girl: Hello?
Princess Periwinkle: Hi
Girl: Why are you up there?
Princess Periwinkle: Umm a little hard to explain come on up
Girl: How?
Then Periwinkle lets her hair down and lets the girl up
Girl: Why are you in this tower?
Princess Periwinkle: Someone named Kurt imprisoned me wanting me to be his girl
Girl: That's terrible you should be free to choose who you want to be with
Princess Periwinkle: Yeah but I can't leave
Girl: Well I can keep you company if ya want
Princess Periwinkle: I'd like that
Girl: I'm Genevieve
Princess Periwinkle: I'm Periwinkle
Christal: Genevieve and Periwinkle secretly met every day and fell in love
Luca: Did they marry?
Sofia: No they couldn't yet since Kurt was still holding Princess Periwinkle captive
Luca: Aw 😔
Christal: Don't worry Luca the story will have a happy ending
Luca: Ok 😄
Sofia: One day Princess Periwinkle discovered she was pregnant with an egg and when she gave birth to the egg Kurt noticed it's color and realized Princess Periwinkle was seeing someone else
Kurt: Who are you seeing? 😡
Princess Periwinkle: A girl comes up to give me company but I had no clue that she would get me pregnant
Kurt: *takes the egg* You both will pay for it 😡
Princess Periwinkle: Leave my egg alone 😡
Then Kurt ties Periwinkle up
Princess Periwinkle: Mmmm 😡
Kurt: Once this girl shows up both of you will see your egg smashed before your eyes
Princess Periwinkle: 😨
Genevieve: Peri? You good? Can I come up?
Then Kurt uses Periwinkle's hair to let Genevieve up
Genevieve: Hi Peri how are you doing?
Then Genevieve sees Periwinkle tied up
Genevieve: Peri? What happened?
Periwinkle tried warning Genevieve about Kurt but he gagged her so she couldn't
Genevieve: It's ok Peri I'm gonna help you out of this
Then Genevieve fells a sharp pain in her stomach
Genevieve: 😣
Princess Periwinkle: 😱
Kurt: That outta teach you to not mess with my girl
Princess Periwinkle: 😡
Then Genevieve sees the egg in Kurt's hand and sees that it's the same color as her
Genevieve: The egg 😨
Kurt: Say goodbye to it and to Periwinkle cause you'll never see either again
Genevieve: No 😨
Then Periwinkle uses her hair to grab a danger and cuts herself free and takes the egg before it was smashed
Princess Periwinkle: 😮💨 the egg's safe and you Kurt are a huge jerk 😡
Then she kicks Kurt into the basement of the tower
Genevieve: 😣
Princess Periwinkle: Gen 😨
Genevieve: Peri 😣
Princess Periwinkle: Hang in there I'll find a way to heal you
Genevieve: I don't think I can last much 😣 longer
Princess Periwinkle: Just hang on I got you
Sofia: Princess Periwinkle healed Genevieve and they left for home
Christal: Princess Periwinkle's family was so happy to see her again and Genevieve and Princess Periwinkle got married
Sofia and Christal: And lived happily ever after
Cyan: 😄
Luca: I'm glad that there was a happy ending
Courtney: Same
Genevieve: Hi there
Luca: Mama! Mommy! 😄
Then he runs to them and give them a hug
Courtney: Hi mommy and mama
Periwinkle: How'd it go?
Cyan: Mama 😄
Then Periwinkle takes Cyan from Sofia
Sofia: It went well
Christal: Yeah
Genevieve: That's good

Trolls Short Story and Fanfiction Book 2
FanfictionThe first book got full and couldn't go any further so this is it continued