Monday April 8th

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Monday, April 8th,

So today we had grad pictures, and it was a pretty good day. I got my hair done yesterday, which included cut and dye. I wore a nice white v-neck t-shirt, with jeans.

Everything was normal until lunch, when Lexi and I had office, the photographer guy came in (the same guy as earlier in the year, you know, that I helped with regular pictures?). Well we had to help figure out where he was taking the pictures, we had been told he would be in the library, but he thought it was in the activity room, luckily it was sorted out before he wasted his time setting up in the wrong place; he was in the library.

Mr Arves came in a few minutes later and asked if we wanted to help with the photos, uh, yeah! I love helping with the photos, not only is it really fun, but earlier this year we missed the whole morning, and if that's any indication.... We will miss the whole afternoon... Sure I will be sad to miss French, Gym, and independent reading (insert sad face here), but at least we won't miss too much, it's not like its the whole day.

So after lunch, Lexi and I went to the library where we were given our jobs; Lexi would be helping the grade 8's into the graduation gowns, while I would be getting their names, money, and the number for their pictures when he calls it out, like I did earlier in the year. I think the fact that I helped earlier helped him decide that I would be doing the harder job.

Our class was first, and we figured out that Lexi had been putting on the gowns backwards, thankfully nobody had gotten their pictures done yet.

We had three girls and three guys down at a time, which got really confusing once we got to having to call people down from both our class and Mr Kews class, and then Mr Kews and Mrs Kipes at the same time. I had to flip back and forth between the three class lists tons of times!

Lexi and I were the last to get our pictures done, and I am pretty sure I will get good pictures. Lexi was the only girl who took pictures without flowers, she looked at them weird and asked in a tone that said she was sick at the idea, if she didn't have to use them, and he let her take some pictures without them. Only Lexi....

Korey even refused to get his picture done! We had gone into last recess and had to even get some kids after recess, and Korey outright refused, so Lexi and I helped the photographer pack up his stuff and then we went back to class, where we didn't really go anything.


So, vote and comment for grad pictures! I can hardly believe it, grade eight is going by so fast! Wonder what else will happen before the end of the year!

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