Friday, September 28th

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Friday, September 28th,

Okay, again, just the highlights.

Today, was soccer, well... the tournament. We got our jerseys before lunch and then I had to rush to lunch helpers, Mary arrived shortly after, because she had to finish copying something in Geography. I barely got to eat, I'm not kidding, 2 bites... TWO BITES of my bagel. Because we had to get the kids their pizza and frozen yogurt, and they just kept wasting time. We had too many yogurts, then we had to go get the strawberry ones because they didn't bring any, then we had to go down and get another chocolate because one girl didn't put her hand up! Wow, is it that hard, for grade 3 and 4 kids, I guess it is!

For soccer, we left at 12:15, the time the first game was suppose to began, you could tell this was going to take longer then it was suppose to. We tied the first two games, and lost the last two. Meaning we got 6 points in total. 3 for each win, 2 for each tie and 1 for each lost. Not the worst we could have gotten.

My Mom, and her friend that lives with us, Amy, came at the second game, they had thought they would be there for the third game, but we were running about a half hour behind, and since each half was 17 minutes, that was almost a whole game.

My Mom even got me a half french vanilla, half hot chocolate. It was good, and Lexi was complaining that it wasn't fair that I got it, and that I was so, so, so lucky.

I played net for 2 games, the first 2, only a half each, but I played the last game completely in the net. Mr K thought my mom and Amy were stalkers cause they were sitting where this another car was earlier, and I guess the cars looked the same, I don't think they did at all.

We left that school at 5, which was the time we were suppose to get back to our school. I'm glad my Mom was there, because we were home really quick and I was able to get ready for the dance.

Meaning, shower, dress, doing hair, as well as having to pack my bag, well, suitcase. I brought all my karaoke CD's, all my magazine's, my pillows, um, pj's, um, whatever else you might bring to a sleepover.

I had my hair done so cool, on Facebook I saw a picture of it done, and I knew right away how I had to do it. I did a side french braid to my ear then put just it in a ponytail and left the rest down, then I put bobby pins and my grey flower body pin and put my mousse in the rest. It looked awesome, I added some mascara and my Dad took me to Mary's house.

There, Mary's mom let me have to pizza 'cause I had forgotten to grab my sandwich, it may seem nice, but I still think Mary's mom doesn't like me very much. Jenna, and Mary thought I looked awesome, and they did too, worst part was that Summer was there, I mean I don't really care anymore, at least she wasn't staying for the sleepover part.

At the dance, we hung out and well, danced, unlike some people we actually went to the dance to have fun, not wait 'till all the slow dances come to dance, I kind of dread the dances, 'cause somehow my friends always push me out of the group, or they don't want to do something, like sit down even when I'm tired.

Also, nobody ever dances with us, that's just 'cause we are so gorgeous. Lol, sorry not the case, everybody that we would want to dance with, doesn't want to dance with us, so we just have to suck it up. I know, Mary was really upset about it, she's kind of a hopeless romantic, she has 3 crushes, I don't even have 1. All the guys at our school are jerks. But you know, next years high school, maybe then....

Gosh, I just realized that we were starting high school in less then a year. Yikes!

I was mocking Korey a lot, about him having a dance battle against the grade 7 girls. It did look like he was, lets just say they won, but he took it good-natured, but now everyone thinks I like him, correction, I like mocking him!

We left the dance at 9:30-9:45, cause I was tired. Summer left, we are, kind of okay now, we were sitting and talking while Jenna and Mary walked around and did whatever they were doing.

Mary's dad bought us all slushies, yum, I love slushies. When we got back to her house, we sat and talked after getting into our pj's, we literally sat and talked for 3 hours! We also did truth or dare, and some of them were really weird, I'm not even going to mention them, 'cause, that would be a little weird! Probably awkward for both of us.

After getting our talking out, we went downstairs and got popcorn, I brushed my teeth, cause I really wasn't hungry, I was ready to go to bed, it was 2 in the morning, so I guess it was more like Saturday, but whatever, I'm continuing on for this entry, cause that's what I would do in my journal outside of here. Yeah, that's right, I have a life outside of here, it may not seem like it, but I do. Plus, I do write all the really embarrassing stuff I would never write on here in there, I know people on here who are in this book, and I don't feel like them knowing all my inner feelings and secrets. So all of you are going to have to deal with it. :)

Well, anyways, lucky for me, we were watching, "The Simpson's: Movie," 'cause I was okay with falling asleep to a movie, even through Mary and Jenna didn't want to go to sleep. But the funny thing is, I stayed up longer then them! They both fell asleep half way through, and I watched the whole thing, this is because I like the movie, and I don't own it, as well as am not allowed to watch the TV, "Simpson's," just the movie. I also hate starting a movie and then falling asleep half way through, but anyways, I fell asleep, then still woke up before them! Sigh, (insert face palm here).

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