Wednesday, October 10th

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Wednesday, October 10th,

Okay so I didn't go to school today because I was kind of sick, and I'm doing something really important this weekend and my Mom doesn't want me to be sick. But since I have a friend that uses her phone all day, I could be kept up to date with what was going on at school.

That friend is Jenna.

So I went on the computer for a bit, then took a 2 hour nap, boy does that medicine work, I almost missed my phone ringing, but I picked up just in time, thinking, "Who in the world could be calling me?"

It was Jenna, and she was calling to tell me that Cameron had asked Mary out! But she said that there were too many differences between them! I practically convinced Cameron to ask her out, she had to say yes! So I told her that she HAS to say yes and I told her how he acted when he accidentally told Summer and I. It was so cute. He was being a gentle giant.

Cameron is very tall, and likes to bug us girls, compared to him, I'm short, and I'm the tallest girl in grade 8. He's almost 6' 1"!

So Jenna had to end the call because lunch recess was over.

Later today I was chatting with Mary on Facebook because I wanted to know what her choice was. After much persuasion and blackmail (I didn't know threatening to not write my story on Wattpad could be so cruel! But it worked! Don't look at the screen like that!), she told me! Oh yeah, you thought I would tell you, think again! You can wait till tomorrow like Jenna and Summer and mostly, Cameron have too!


Vote and comment if you liked it! Even if it was short!

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