Monday, September 17

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Monday, September 17th,

Okay, Cameron, (I am going to say this only once more, then never again!), is the most annoying person on Earth! Want to know why? He took my hair clip, and decided to make a game out of touching my hair! I don't even like my friends touching my hair, so why would I was him to? I don't, that's what!

Well Mary and Jenna weren't here today, their sick.... seems like a lot of people are. Well was have graphing to do in Math (easy, review all the way!), a graph for French (something wrong with that sentence), and spelling (which we had to write out because there was a paper shortage, well, either that or Mr Arves was over his limit of clicks. In our school the teachers have to pay if they go over their clicking limit of paper. 1 click per side of paper (a blank side wouldn't count as one, I don't think....).

The first thing Mr Arves did this morning was collect names for the primary lunch program, Lexi, Summer and I all put our hands up. We told him that Mary would probably want to be in it too, and so he put her name down.

At first recess I hung with Summer and Lexi, who really wants to tell me something about the book she's reading, though I'm reading it after, so she went to rant at Kate, then came back. We didn't even come inside after recess, we just went for outdoor Gym, and it was awesome, I figured out I am still the fastest girl in my class (can't say anything about the other classes, but in past years, only 1 girl has been faster, and I am only a tiny bit slower, but not much!). Summer and I also didn't have to do the soccer warm up because Mr Arves picked us to help him set up pylons!

Then we played a super epic soccer game, I mean, much more fun, cause it was a 2 person team, but each person had to protect their own pylon... does that make sense to anyone but me? No, okay. I didn't want you all to get it anyways.... *she says totally sarcastically* (just so ya'll know, I do talk narrative, even when I chat, its just something I like to do, I think I might do it more often in this book, kind of suits it).

Good a little side tracked, most defiantly....

When we came back inside we had Geography (or at Lexi calls it, Goe-graphy), and Mr Kews was in a bad, bad mood, all because of... you guessed it, Cameron and Jarad, and yes, I know I said I wouldn't say it anymore, but... they are so, so, so, so, so annoying! Cameron was talking to a kid behind him, and Mr Kews got really mad and kicked him out, slamming the door behind him and saying, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Scared the crap out of me! Then Jarad was being distracting and so Mr Kews moved him to the girls side of the room! Um, that's bad for us... not him, he silently wanted to by all of us!

At last recess we had to go down to the activity room to get our office, snack shop and milk schedules. Jenna and I are together like we asked, but Lexi and I saw that they didn't put us on as the snack shop. So we talked to the Secretary, and she said she would put as down. Lexi said it wouldn't be really far because we would be pretty much kicking someone off, but I told her, it would be unfair if we weren't put on, because technically we signed up for it. They just didn't put us on the schedule.

That's all I really wanted to say about school. But I do have 1 more rant before I am done, and I go onto my home life.

Summer... oh yes, Summer! She is always asking me to help her with her work, even through it is easy, and she always tries to help me (this may be good, but just wait), even if I have told her, if I need help, I will ask, and why would I want help from her?!?!?!? She can't go 3/4 of her work without help. But that's not all. Since she sits in between Mary and I (much to our dismay, Mary wanted to sit in the middle), she always asks me how to do something, then turns to Mary and acts all smart and explains to Mary how to do it. We have already figured out that if Mary and Summer switched, then I could just show Mary how to do something, and skip a step, since it is my intelligence being used either way.

At home I got in a yelling fight with Link, even through he had just gotten a new game on Sunday, he needed to go on the computer.

I went to the library with Dad, did my homework, read, and went to bed. Yeah, totally drama free day, she said totally sarcastically (see what I did there?).

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