Chapter 3: Are You My New Mommy?

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"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get." ~ Forrest Gump


"I'm game if you still are. Do you agree to the deal?" I think for a moment. This is my chance to start over even if it isn't ideal.


"Really? Are you sure? You need to fully commit to this because you can't back out," Kye says to me making sure I really want to agree to this.

"Yes. I'm sure. I never back out of a promise or deal," I tell him holding eye contact.

"Ok then. Well, now you have to meet Evangeline and my mom," Kye says standing up. He holds his hand out to me to take, so I do and throw my backpack over my shoulder.

"Good luck," Vladimir says. "Our mom's going to constantly be analyzing you."

"Dude, don't scare her!" Kye exclaims looking at his brother before they both start laughing on something I'm not part of.

"Should I be worried because now I'm starting to get worried?" I ask looking back and forth between them.

"Oh no! It's just an inside joke between us nothing to worry about," Kye reassures me waving his hand to brush it off. I just don't say anything because I don't know what to say. As we start walking towards the playground, I start to wonder if they'll like me. What if his mother hates me? What if Evangeline doesn't want me but her real mom? I was too deep into my thoughts that I didn't notice we had stopped.

"Mom remember how I told you I met this girl?" Kye asks his mom. I look over at him when I realize that he actually had a story planned out. He must have been thinking about this for a long time to have a formulated story.

"Yes dear I remember," his mother says looking up from her knitting patterns. She looks very pretty for her age with full and flowly black hair and sparkling blue eyes (I guess Kye's eyes came from his dad). Her skin also has barely any wrinkles and no skin appears to be sagging.

"Well, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Imogen," he says gesturing to me. It's then that she notices that I'm standing there. When her eyes land on me, her whole face lights up with happiness. She stands up and enveloped me in a hug.

"Oh hello dear! It's so nice to meet you! You can call me Rosalinda. Why do you have a backpack dear?" she aks me breaking the hug after she finishes speaking.

"Her mom was coming home from jail, and she didn't want to be there because she's scared. I told her she could stay with us. You don't mind right?" Kye asks her. I'm actually very surprised that he remembered and came up with this part of the story this fast.

"Not at all! I don't mind. Did you meet Evangeline yet?"

"No not yet," I tell her speaking up for the first time in this conversation.

"Why don't you go talk to her now. She's on the swing set." I turn to where she is pointing and see a little girl all be herself on the swing set. The little girl has dark brown hair and freckles on her cheeks that I can see from where I stand. I can't see the color of her eyes, but once I start walking, she looks up hearing the sound showing that her eyes are the same color is Kye's.

"I saw you talking to my daddy," she says in a squeaky voice. "Who are you?" I take my back pack off my back and place it on the ground before sitting in the swing next to her.

"I'm Imogen," I tell the little girl giving her a small smile.

"Hello Imogen, I'm Evangeline."

"I know. Your dad was telling me about you."

"Really that's cool. Is that your real hair?"

"No I dyed it this color."


"I didn't like the color, so I wanted to change it."

"You can do that?" Evangeline asks me with wide eyes amazed that you could change hair color.


"Do you think my dad would let me do my hair like yours?"

"Oh no! You are a little too young. Maybe in a few years, but why my hair color?" I ask her with curiosity.

"Because it's pretty," she responds all serious. I let out a laugh because of how serious she is.


"Nothing nothing. You're just adorable," I tell her ruffling her hair up a bit. She starts giggling along with me softly at first, but then we both double over in laughter. While laughing, I lose balance and fall off the swing landing on my butt causing another round of giggles to erupt from us. I felt someone's eyes on me, and I turn around to see Kye watching me from the bench his mom is sitting at with a small smile on his face.

"Imogen, are you my daddy's girlfriend?" Evangeline asks me getting off her swing and sitting down on the ground next to me.

"Yeah I am," I say looking at her with thoughts running through my head. Will she be mad at me for coming into her life? Does she even like me?

"Does that mean you're my new mommy?" My eyes widen in surprise, and my mouth hangs open from her leaving me speachless. It takes a minute for me to compose myself before I speak.

"Only if you want to," I tell her giving a small smile.

"I have a mommy!" she exclaims jumping into my lap and giving me a hug.

Author's Note: Ok so I'm sorry this is a bit late. I'm going on vacation, so I'm hoping to get a lot of writing done if I can. I love you all and hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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