Chapter 17: Dress Up

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"Sometimes me thinks 'What is a friend?' And then me say, 'Friend is someone to share the last cookie with.'" ~ The Cookie Monster.

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"Mommy? Can you wake up?" I hear Evangeline's voice ask me breaking me out of my slumber.

"What's wrong honey?" I asked her sitting up groggy with sleep. Looking over at the clock, I can see that it is almost three in the morning.

"I can't sleep," she says climbing up on the bed and then crawling over to where I was laying by the wall.

"Why can't you sleep?" I ask her again pulling her closer to me and running my hands through her hair in a soothing gesture hoping it would calm her down as I can now see she is upset.

"I had a scary nightmare, and now I can't sleep," she mumbles out burrowing her head in my chest seeking out warmth.

"Oh really? I'm sorry about that. Do you want to tell me what it was about and what happened? It might make you feel better," I say to her laying back down with her on my chest. She nods her head yes but takes a few minutes to calm down enough to lift her head and tell me what happened.

"In my nightmare, we were in a dark room," she starts out beginning to tremble in fear.

"Who was there?" I ask Evangeline to clarify.

"Us. . . and other girls I don't know," she says with fear creeping into her eyes. I shiver too because I feel like this isn't going to be your average everyday nightmare for a two year old girl.

"Can you continue?" I ask her to make she she's okay. Evangeline nods her head again before she continues.

"It was so dark and cold. Everything there was broken and old, and it smelled really nasty in there. It smelled like a dead rat. There was blood and throw up on the floor on the broken glass. A man was also there watching us and hurting us," she explains to me crying and shaking from fear because her dream sounds oddly like where I was kept two years ago. I hate that she had a nightmare that was like that room. All of that that happened to me is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

"That sounds horrible. I'm sorry that you had that nightmare," I say to her hugging her close to me tightly rubbing away her tears with my fingers.

"Can I sleep with you and Daddy?" she asks in a small voice obviously still affected by what she saw.

"Of course! Why don't you get in between us so that you'll be protected on all sides?" I ask Evangeline moving her off my chest and between me and Kye so that she could cuddle with both of us so that she can sleep better.

"Thank you Mommy," she says in a soft voice snuggling into me like an infant, starting to go back to sleep.

"You're welcome Evangeline," I say to her kissing her forehead and holding her in my arms so that she can go back to sleep peacefully.

* * *

The next morning when I wake up, I find that I am alone in my bed with a pillow in my arms instead of Evangeline. I get up out of bed and stay in my pajamas as I go down the stairs to look for her. Once I'm down there, I find her sitting on the couch in the living room watching the morning cartoons and eating her breakfast with a smile on her face. It looks like she doesn't have the nightmare from last night on her mind, and I want to keep it that way for as long as I can.

"Good morning Evangeline," I say cheerily grabbing a bagel off the plate on the counter before walking over and sitting next to Evangeline on the couch.

"Good morning Mommy!" she chirps merrily as she continues to eat her cereal.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask her nibbling on my bagel turning to watch the TV with her.

"Oh I don't know. I haven't thought about it yet," she says putting her cereal bowl up to her lips so that she can drink the left over milk remaining.

"Well why don't we spend the day doing whatever you want together," I tell her turning to face her with a smile on my face.

"Really?" Evangeline asks with her eyes lighting up with excitement and an ear splitting grin working its way on her face.

"Sure! We can watch your favorite Disney movies, color, I can do your hair and you can do mine, and we can play dress up if you want," I tell her making her giggle in anticipation.

"Ok come on! Let's go up to my room!" she shouts out putting our breakfast on the table and pulling me up the stairs behind her.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I ask her once we get into her room out of breath.

"TARZAN!" she shouts jumping onto her bed and pounding her chest like a gorilla.

"Well okay then," I say a bit flabbergasted at her strange outburst as I put the DVD into the tray so that it can load up.

"Can we skip the coloring and just play dress up?" Evangeline asks me pulling a box of clothes out of her closet and dragging it to the center of the room.

"Sure if that's what you want," I say to her nodding my head and going over to her opening the lid of the box. She starts digging around in the box throwing stuff that doesn't interest her over her shoulders until she finds what she wants.

"Here, put this on, and I'll wear this," she says shoving a bundle of clothes into my hands and taking hers in her arms before going to her bed while I go into her closest to change. When I see what she gave me, I giggle a bit because I finally get the chance to dress up as my favorite Disney princess: Pocahontas.

Firstly, I put on the blue necklace with the diamond hanging off it onto my bare neck. I then take off my pajamas and start to slip the costume of my body. Because it fits me, I assume that Evangeline has costumes for Astrid to dress up in when she plays dress up. The costume is almost an exact replica of what the movie Pocahontas wears which makes me even more excited to be dressing up as her.

"Are you done yet?" I hear Evangeline ask me from outside of the closest door.

"Yup! I'm all done!" I tell her opening the door to find her dressed as Lilo, from Lilo and Stitch, in her hula dancing outfit. She looks adorable with her grass skirt and red top with her leafy crown and bracelets and anklets.

"You look so adorable!" I say, squishing her cheeks with a smile on my face.

"Thank you! You look really good too!" Evangeline shouts in happiness, erupting in a fit of giggles causing her to fall on the ground laughing.

"What's all that noise about?" I hear Kye ask he clomps up the stairs. Once he gets to her door framed and sees us in costumes laughing with smiles on our faces, his face breaks out in a happy smile too. "What are you two doing?"

"I'm having fun with Mommy!" Evangeline says running up to him and hugging his legs.

"Really now?" he asks picking her up in his arms.

"We sure are!" I say running over and jumping into the hug making it a group hug.

"Well, I'm glad my two girls are having fun."

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Author's Note: Sorry about the late update, but I had some stuff to take care of. If you look on my message board you can see an update on there explaining what happened, or you got an e-mail with it. Again, super sorry about it!!! As always, I love you all!! XOXO!!

~jnicoleb1234 out!

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