Chapter 27: Date and Surprise Appearance

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"Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.  Nobody knows my sorrow," ~ Zazu, The Lion King.

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It's been about a week since I woke up escaping my nightmare and relearning the disturbing facts about my life and the people around me.  My sleeping patterns have become so messed up beyond repair as I can't go to sleep at night finding myself falling asleep at random times during the day in random places.  They called my doctor after the second day of it happening, and he gave me sleeping pills that don't really work as they should.  I've gone through almost three whole packs of cigarettes to try and calm my nerves, which have been though the roof, to no avail only feeling worse about the whole ordeal.

My moods have been swinging like I was bipolar or something back and forth between calm and flipping out beyond my control.  I feel bad for lashing our at Kye, Evangeline, and them all, but I can't help it since I can't even control my own emotions.  It's like I've been transported back to when I first got back home after being released from the hospital:  I couldn't control anything about myself.  I spiraled out of control not knowing what to do with myself and how to cope because I became so messed up in the head from the accident.  And now I'm back in that time again feeling like a puppet being controlled by a bigger presence.

I could tell that Kye was really worried about me because of the way he started to act around me.  He was constantly asking me if I was alright or needed anything because I became quiet not speaking leading me to sometimes forget to eat.  I started losing weight because of it and started staying in bed all day long only coming out to use the bathroom.  Anytime someone tried to start a conversation with me, I just ignored them and waited for them to go away or leave me alone.  I became a recluse who wanted nothing to do with anyone around me and just wanted to stay in the dark with nobody coming to bother me.  But I guess Kye finally had enough of my actions and decided to do something about it.

"Get up and get dressed Imogen!" Kye called out barging into the room flipping on the lights and yanking the sheets and comforter off of me.  He then came over to me and dragged me out of the bed onto the ground.

"What the fuck Kye?  Leave me alone and let me go back to sleep!" I yell at him kicking my feet up at him as he tried to pull me to my feet.

"No this has gone on for a week, and it's time you get up and socialize with other people.  You are wasting away and wallowing in your own misery, and I don't want to watch you be like this anymore," he says with a sad look in his eyes that makes me feel guilty, so I look away from him.

"So why do I have to get dressed then?  Can't I just go sit in the living room with all of you there?" I ask him rolling away from him on the ground like a bug.

"Because we are going on a date to the movie theater so that you can get out of the house for once!" he exclaims going over to the dresser and pulling my clothes out of the drawer and throwing it at me.  "Just put something on that looks decent so that we can go.  The movie starts at 4 o'clock, and it's 2 o'clock right now."

"Why are we doing this?" I whined out picking up a black baggy romper and changing into it not caring that Kye was still in the room with me.

"We are going on a date," he says tossing my black vans at me to slip on my feet, "Rosalinda's going to watch Evangeline for us because even she thinks you should go out into town."  I just looked at him for a few minutes still angry at him for waking me up but also shocked that he would take me out on a date since we aren't even dating.  I mean we did share a kiss, and there was that shower we took together when I was injured.  "So once you finish getting dressed, we're going to go to the theater."

* * *

"Whoa this place is huge!" I exclaimed as we walked into an ice cream parlor around 7 o'clock after the movie had ended.  It was across the street from the theater, so I had asked Kye if we could come get some ice cream.

The ice cream parlor was the size of a small two bedroom apartment that utilized the space quite well.  On one side of the parlor, there were the workers that fixed your ice cream and put what ever topping you wanted on them.  There was a candy and soda counter on the left side of the cash register that al the younger kids gravitated towards because the items weren't over a dollar fifty.  The other side of the parlor was a seating area with TVs that people could watch to relax along with love seats, bean bags, and swivel chairs surrounding the tables.  The tables were made of clear plexi glass while the chairs were bright neon colored plastics.  On the walls of the parlor were pictures of if being built and how it looked throughout the years of it being open.

"Yeah that was my first reaction when I came here for the first time too.  The hugeness of it caught me off guard too; the workers here say that all new customers react this way," Kye explains to me as he pulled me to where the line ends so that we could get in line.  I'd noticed when I walked in that there were a lot of people in here meaning their business was doing well.

"What can I get for you two today?" the worker whose name tag said Jess asked us.

"What do you want Imogen?" Kye asked turning to look at me.

"Two scoops of chocolate on a chocolate waffle cone," I say almost tasting the sweetness of the chocolate.

"And I'll have two scoops of strawberry on a vanilla waffle cone," Kye says taking out is wallet getting ready to pay.

"Okie dokie than that'll be $8.50."

After we paid, we didn't stay and instead went into the car to drive home.  The car ride home was silent as we focused on eating our ice cream instead of talking.  I could understand why they had so many customers now because their ice cream is amazing!

"How was you guy's date night?" Rosalinda asked us as we walked into the house shutting the door behind us.

"It was fine though I liked the ice cream more than the movie we saw," I say slipping off my shoes and wriggling my toes in my socks before plopping down onto the sofa.

"Well unlike you, I actually enjoyed the movie and didn't fall asleep around half-way through it," Kye said smirking as he looked in my direction calling me out.

"How can you manage to fall asleep through a movie you've never seen?" Rosalinda asked me placing her hands on her hips.

"I don't know I guess I just didn't -," I say trying to explain myself before getting cut off by a few knocks at the front door.

"Was anyone expecting anybody to come by tonight?" Kye asked since we didn't know anybody else's plans since we left.

"Not that I know of," she says going over tot he door and opening it to reveal Emery standing at the door.  She looked very pale or sickly with her hair in a messy bun and her clothes rumpled as he swayed from side to side like she would fall over.

"Emery?" we all ask in shock at seeing her standing there given the history we all have with her.

"Imogen!" she says crying when she sees me, "I didn't know you'd be here!"  She then ran over to me engulfing me into a hug that brought us both to the ground in a heap.  I started crying too from seeing her because I hadn't seen her since that last day in the hospital before she had to give up Evangeline.  I guess the exchange was loud because the next thing we knew, Evangeline had come down the stairs and was hanging onto Kye's legs.

"Mommy, what's going on?" Evangeline asked causing both me and Emery to turn towards her before turning towards each other when we noticed we had both responded to her call.

And then I was hit with this thought:

How was I going to explain to her that I became a mother to her only child that she was forced to give up?

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