Chapter 30: We're Coming

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"The shore that breaks the wave/ The earth above the grave/ There are some things that just don't change/ Dream to stay awake and live another day/ We try to learn from our mistakes" ~ Our Last Night, Diamonds, Younger Dreams

Kye's P.O.V:

It's been almost a week since Emery, Evangeline, and Imogen disappeared without a trace into thin air.  Somehow someone had managed to kidnap all three of them in broad daylight without not a single person witnessing the event.  I don't understand how this was able to happen because nothing at all adds up.  The police couldn't find any camera footage, no fingerprints, no DNA, or any tracks of any vehicle left behind.  My mom and I ordered a search party to look all over town for them, but the police thought it to be useless since no leads had come up.

Until something big came up and was exposed on news stations and different media sources across the nation.

"Kye come quick!" my mother had shouted from the bottom of the staircase almost out of breath, "There's something on the news that may help the police find them!"  That was all she needed to say though before I was out of my room and running down the staircase with Evangeline's baby blankets in my hand.  I all but pushed my mom out of the way to get to the TV so that I wouldn't miss any little details that may lead to me finding the three people that mean the most to me in life besides my mother.

"It seems that the ten survivors of the Machete Killer, a serial killer who has killed a recorded forty girls two years ago, have all somehow disappeared.  Many people including police and family members believe them to have been kidnapped by someone who was either close to the infamous killer and wants revenge or someone who idolizes the killer," the news woman had started to explain into the camera as their pictures floated across the screen.

"Two year old Evangeline has also been kidnapped by the same people, and upon further investigation it ahs been found out that her biological mother had given birth to her while they were in the clutches of the Machete Killer.

"The first mention of one of the ten girls being kidnapped was over two months ago while the most recent was only just last week.  With all the original girls taken, people hope that nobody else will be taken and that they will not meet a gruesome fate.  It is also believed that whoever has taken them away has had the event planned for a long time as people are now finding ransom notes left behind by his helpers.  Just yesterday someone had found a not at Lace's workplace saying that their bodies may be found sooner rather than later.

"Everyday during the 5 o'clock news, we will devote a section of our time to these poor girls until they are found and released however it may be," the woman says smiling sadly at the camera, "We also ask that anyone with any type of information come forth because any small detail may help the police solve the case.  And please keep all eleven of these souls in your prayers."

This was only just yesterday, yet the impact of the news segment has been huge throughout our city.  People besides police have started to devote some of their time helping with the search party and interviewing people in the city that the police asked them to do.  The school Imogen attended started a fund raiser in her honor to help raise money that can help up the effort in searching outside our city limits for them.  But this has still taken a heavy toll on all of us, especially those of us who are close to them.

My mom has fallen into a deep depression as she has lost her only grandchild and two girls she considers to be her own daughters.  To make herself to feel better, she has turned to baking treats and cooking meals to give to all the people who are putting their best efforts into searching for them.  But sometimes I'll pass by her room and peak into her room through a crack in her not fully closed door to find her sitting on her bed in her pajamas crying and shoving cookies and vodka down her throat wiping her tears on her sleeves.

Astrid has stopped going to school and now spends all of her time out with the police in a search party of her own she formed with people from the school.  She is barely getting sleep sometimes causing her to fall asleep in the woods while searching at night causing Vladimir to worry about her even more so than usual.  She also lost about ten pounds because she is eating barely anything and using so much energy combing through the town hoping to find anything at all to help.

Vladimir has turned to even more dangerous things besides his cancer sticks almost discarding them completely for his new found toys.  I know he feels the most responsible and guilty for what happened out of all of us because he was the one who brought Hunter back into Imogen's life, but it wasn't his fault because none of us knew.  Astrid is losing even more sleep because of this as Vladimir himself isn't fully aware of what he has gotten himself into.  One wrong move and he can accidently overdose himself or fuck up his body completely and fry his brain cells.

And me, well I'm run ragged already have been in the hospital for dehydration and such having to be hooked up to one of the fluid bags to replenish what I lost.  But what am I supposed to do when my child and the two women I love have been kidnapped by a crazy psychopath whose father almost killed all three of them.  My job has been extremely understanding with the situation and have allowed me to take time off to search for them, but I'm not too sure how much longer even that will last.  I've also had my hair share of crying by crying myself to sleep holding onto Evangeline's baby blanket and hoodies that belonged to each Emery and Imogen.

"Kye," my mother said not bothering to knock as she came into my room anyway, "the police are downstairs and want to speak with you.  They believe they have a new lead to go on, but they need you to look at something."  I look over my shoulders to see my mom standing there with dark circles under her eyes and her body sagging with sleepiness.

"Do you think this time they may have actually found something, or do you think this is just another false lead?" I ask her sitting up in my bed and slipping Imogen's hoodie over my head.

"I honestly don't know son.  We just have to see this time I guess," she says leaving my room and going down the stairs to where the police are waiting.  I soon follow after her with my steps somewhat more sluggish than hers I guess because I was worried they would be wasting my time again.

"Good afternoon Kye, let's get straight to the point," the detective whose name I still haven't bothered to learn yet said, "Hunter Blackburn is the son of the Machete Killer whom you knew without the latter information being known correct?

"Yes sir," I say nodding and sitting down in the recliner next to the sofa.

"Is this what he looks like?" he asks sliding over a picture taken form a surveillance video of  Hunter heading into the woods.  All I can do is nod my head yes.  "Then I believe we may have found them."

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