Chapter 14: No One Can Know

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"Just because you wish for something doesn't make it true," ~ Tiana, The Princess and the Frog.


The first thing I become aware of is the feeling of a cold wet rag laid across my forehead. Then, I feel incredibly cold with the feeling sinking into my bones. My throat is dry and parched, and my head is pounding so hard that it feels like someone is hitting me with a sledgehammer. I try to sit up and open my eyes, but the room spins causing my head to pound more.

"Oh good you're awake!" I turn my head sharply to my right to see Vladimir leaning against the wall. I open my mouth to speak, but I'm unable to get any words out. "Oh yeah you might need some water."

'You don't say?' I think to myself as he hands me a glass of water. After I swallowed almost all the water, I tried to speak again.

"How did you get here?" I asked him in a whisper as that was all that I could manage.

"Hunter brought me here. We thought of an idea so that Kye wouldn't find out. School let out early, and we got a ride with Hunter so that we wouldn't bother him. This way, he won't be suspicious," Vladimir says looking for something on top of Kye's dresser. "Astrid said to give you this when you woke up for your headache."

"Thanks," I say to him using the last bit of water left to swallow the two pills he gave me. "By the way, who is Hunter?"

"He's a friend of mine who is Kye's age but obviously failed a few times," he says shrugging his shoulders. "He moved here two years ago after his dad died, and I was one of the first people to talk to him."

"Oh," I say feeling a little guilty about how I judged him earlier,

"He said to tell you he's sorry if he made you feel crept out earlier because you looked at him funny in the bathroom," Vladimir tells me sitting on the edge of the bed.

"No no. I was just expecting Astrid to get a girl to come help not a guy. I was a little surprised that's all," I say shaking my head even though I still had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. We're both silent for a few minutes before he speaks up again.

"So, now Astrid knows," he says slowly turning to face me.

"Yeah," I say, "I feel bad about the whole thing though. She was really scared like she was afraid of me because I couldn't stop anything that was happening to me."

"She was crying earlier," he says putting a hand on my shoulder. "Don't feel bad though. She was crying because she didn't know if you were going to be okay. Astrid thinks of you as a sister, so it scared her to see you like that."

"Is she okay now?" I ask him still feeling upset about the fact that I cause her to cry.

"Yeah, she stopped crying 30 minutes after you guys came here."

"How long have we been here?"

"It's been about three hours, so school would be letting out in a few minutes."

"What!" I exclaim in disbelief. I regret it immediately because my throat started to hurt even more.

"Don't worry though," he tells me speaking fast to get his words out, "I've already called Kye and told him the story we came out with."

"When is he coming back?" I asked throwing the covers off of me standing suddenly realizing how cold I am. I'm wearing my jeans and a tank top, so I grab the first hoodie I see on the floor, which happens to be Kye's, and slip it over my head instantly feeling warmer.

"They should be back any minute now," Vladimir said just as I heard the front door open. "Or they may be here now." He starts to leave the room before he turns around to face me again. "Just saying, you look really pale as if you're sick, so if Kye asks, tell him you think you're getting sick."

I just stand there and blink trying to absorb the words. 'If anyone asks,' I think to myself, 'tell them I think I'm sick.'

Leaving the room, I can hear many voices talking which hurts my head but not by much. The medicine helped to an extent, but it was enough. I walked down the stairs to see Astrid, Vladimir, Kye, Evangeline, and Rosalinda sitting down and joking around.

"Mommy! Come see! I drew you a picture!" Evangeline yelled out to me jumping up and waving a piece of paper in the air.

"What did you draw?" I asked her with my voice finally sounding normal. I see Kye make a face that was a cross between a grimace and holding in laughter.

"Me, you, and dad!" she said looking excited as she handed it to me. I took a look at it and thought it was cute, and then I noticed something strange.

"Why is my tummy like that?" I ask her looking confused.

"Well. . . I've been thinking. . . I WANT A BROTHER!" Evangeline shouts out. Kye's face turns red as he starts laughing, and he covers his face with his hands. Rosalinda tries to explain something to her as Astrid and Vladimir fall off the couch in shock. Me, I just stand there with my mouth opened like a gaping fish with no words coming out.

"Evangeline honey, it doesn't work like that," Rosalinda tells her gently.

"It doesn't?"

"NO!" we all shout at her. Everyone's still laughing about it when Kye walks up to me.

"Are you okay? You look a bit pale," he whispers in my ear as he passes by taking hold of my arm pulling me with him.

"Yeah I think I'm just getting a little sick," I tell him as we go up the stairs.

"If you don't feel any better tomorrow, I'll take you to the doctor's office. By the way, I like your hoodie."

Author's Note: Two updates in one day!!! This is my way to make up for not posting on schedule. I'm really sorry about that. So, we have a new character that was introduced. Anybody have an idea on my Imogen feels weird around him? Also, Kye doesn't know about what happened at school, so what's going to happen when he does? XOXO!

~jnicoleb1234 out!

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