Chapter 6: Running Errands

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"Are you finished with those errands?" ~Spongebob Squarepants.

After we had dropped everyone off, we went to Walmart. Kye told me that we needed to go to Walmart to get groceries for the week and then go to the mall to pick up his mom's necklace that was being repaired at a kiosk. He said that depending on the time that we could go to McDonald's before going back to the house.

Once we got to Walmart, Kye grabbed a buggy and lead me down the many aisles. We put cereal, milk, bread, chips, and meat and cheese to make sandwiches before going to the aisle filled with candy.

"Normally, I let Evangeline do this," he says turning to look at me. "But since she's not here, you get to do it."

"I get to do what?" I ask him not knowing what he is talking about.

"Evangeline normally gets one minute to go up and down the aisle to grab as much candy as she can, and I buy it all. This week, you get to do that," he says smiling and pulling his phone out of his pocket. He types in his password unlocking his phone and then pulling up the timer app.

"Wait a minute. So I can grab whatever and how much candy I want in a minute, and you'll pay for it?" I ask making sure I heard correctly. I have on my baggy sweater from this morning which means that I can hold it out like a basket and carry stuff in it.

"Yeah pretty much. You ready? I'm about to start the timer," he says holding up his phone.

"Wait! I'm not ready!" I yell at him trying to pick up the bottom of my sweater.


I started running down the aisle to where the giant bags of candy where and dumped a few off the shelf into my makeshift basket. Once I have what I want, I just start dumping random packages of candy into my sweater. Not even paying attention to what I'm grabbing anymore, I hear Kye laughing and feel my sweater getting heavy.

"You have only 10 seconds left! You need to out the candy in the buggy," he says while laughing at my waddling due to me trying to run with the candy weighing me down.

'Only ten seconds, and I have to get it to the buggy!' I think to myself in exasperation.

I go as fast as my legs would carry me to reach the buggy. As I get closer, I hear Kye counting down.

"5. . .4. . .3. . .2. . ."

At the last second, I know I can't make it, so I just dive into the buggy head first with my head squishing the bread.

"Really Imogen! Now I have to buy two loaves of bread!" Kye exclaims before bursting into another round of laughter.

"But you said I only had 10 seconds to get the candy into the buggy. I wanted all the candy," I tell him, but I'm not sure if he can hear me since my voice is muffled due to the bread.

"I was kidding! I was still going to buy it!"

"Well why didn't you tell me that?"

"Because I wanted to see your reaction that's why. You did the same thing Evangeline did."

* * *

"I can't believe you bought almost $30 worth of candy!" I exclaim to Kye as we walk into the mall.

"Well that's how much you grabbed. Not my fault," he says walking in front of me leading me to the kiosk that fixed his mom's necklace.

"Yes it is. You're the one who said he was going to buy what I put in the buggy."

"But you didn't have to get that much."

"I didn't realize that it was going to be that much!"

"Well now you know for next time," he says as we approach the kiosk. He turns his head away from me and begins talking to the person working. I watch as a group if three girls approach Kye nudging me out the way as if I'm a piece of trash.

"Hey Kye," the blonde one says getting in his face and twirling a piece of hair around her pointer finger.

"What do you want?" he asks handing money to the worker.

"No need to be aggravated. We just want to talk," says the brunette coming up to his other side.

"I don't want to. I need to bring this to my mom," he says grabbing the bag containing the necklace. I watch all of this go down in silence wondering who those girls are.

"Looks like you have a stalker," the red head says nudging her friends and gesturing to me.

"What do you mean?" Kye asks looking around confused.

"Her," the blonde spits out pointing at me. I feel my face heat up in embarassement and lower my gaze to the ground. I attempt to block them out, but their words hurt me.

"You mean Imogen?" Kye asks walking over to me.

"So the thing has a name," the brunette says rolling her eyes and looking away

"She's not a thing," he says picking my chin up with a finger. "She's my girlfriend." I then feel his lips on mine.

Author's Note: Ok so once again I'm sorry for not posting last week, but I already explained it. I'm also sorry about the shortness of this chapter, but next week will make up for it I promise. As always, I love you all, and I'll post next Sunday.

~jnicoleb1234 out!

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