Chapter 20: Awkward Shower

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"I just wanted you to know, that baby, you're the best," ~ Lana Del Rey, Summertime Sadness, Born to Die.

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I was released from the hospital a week ago after just spending the night in there. Everybody treated me like a fragile porcelain doll that could be easily broken. To be honest, it bothered me a bit because I felt like a baby that couldn't do anything on their own. They brought me food, got what I needed, and helped me move around the house. I was embarrassed that I had trouble sitting down to use the bathroom or take a shower. Everything ached and hurt worse if I over-worked myself, so Rosalinda helped me sit on the toilet and take a shower.

Dr. Finster honored my wishes and kept my paralysis and horrid past a secret from them. He agreed that I should be the one to tell them when I became comfortable enough to do so, and he said he would help me if something else were to happen.

Kye's been acting a bit weird since my accident though. Ever since I got released, he's been overly protective by getting everything I needed and going with me everywhere I went. He started working more out of the house and in his room not to leave my side unless absolutely necessary. The only time he did leave was to drop off and pick up Evangeline from day care and texted and called a few times to make sure I was okay and didn't need anything. He also slept on the ground to give me space in the bed and not to accidentally hurt me in his sleep. Kye arranged pillows around me to make sure I was as comfortable as possible.

Evangeline was also acting a bit strange, but it may be because she thinks it was her fault that I got hurt. She didn't want to come near me or hug me afraid that she would hurt me again. After I told her numerous times that it wasn't her fault that I just didn't see the steps, she felt better and would come near me again. I think she might have also acted that way because she sees me as her mother and doesn't know what happened to her actual mother. Seeing her act that way made me feel bad though because she was sad and didn't have all of her bubbly energy.

Astrid came over more often to provide me with company and help me catch up on all the schoolwork I missed. She didn't want me to go back to school because of what happened in the bathroom that day and because she was worried somebody would knock me over or something. When she came by though, I was able to go outside without someone with me, and he had to stay inside to work.

"The princess emerges from her deep slumber I see," Rosalinda said as I slowly made my way down the stair clutching on to the railing for dear life as I did so. She was sitting on the couch watching a show on the TV dressed like she was ready to go somewhere.

"I was only asleep for two hours," I tell her rolling my eyes as I shuffled over to the couch to sit down next to her.

"More like four hours actually," she says pointing at the time on the cable box. It was almost six.

"Great," I groaned out leaning my head back on the couch, "I won't be able to go to sleep tonight."

"You'll be fine," she said swatting my arm, "On another note, I'm going to have to leave. My sister needs someone to babysit, so I told her I'd go to her house because I didn't want her kids to bump into you or something making you hurt more."

"Oh ok," I say a bit down since I was feeling disgusting today.

"I know you wanted to take a shower today, but you can at least ask Kye to wash your hair," she says standing up when Evangeline came down the stairs jumping on each individual one. "I'll be taking Evangeline with me. We should be back around tenish maybe later. Take care, and tell Kye to call if y'all need anything." She scoops Evangeline up into her arms, grabs her purse and keys, and walks out the door with Evangeline waving goodbye.

"Who was at the door?" Kye asked with his head peering out at the top of the staircase. His hair was dishelved, and he looked tired with bags under his eyes.

"Nobody, your mom just left with Evangeline to go babysit her sister's kids," I say standing up wobbling on my feet a bit almost falling over. At an instance, Kye was at my side holding me upright and helping me back up the stairs.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?" he asked opening the door to his room again.

"Not really I mean I only just woke up from a nap. I kind of want to take a shower because I feel disgusting and dirty, but I can't since your mom isn't here to help me in the shower," I tell him just slumping against his shoulder.

"Do you want me to get in the shower with you?" he asks holding me upright and turning to face me.

"W-what?" I sputter out surprised when his words reached my ears.

"Like do you want me to help you? We can wear our underwear or bathing suits so that you don't feel uncomfortable," he says steering me towards the bathroom. He opens the doors and sits me down on the toilet to grab towels and turn on the shower.

"Uhhhh. . . I-I don't k-know. I j-just d-don't w-w-want to smell b-b-bad," I stutter out feeling embarrassed as Kye takes his shirt off along with his socks and shoes. Seeing my face flushed red, he turns around to take off his pants and waits I guess for me to take off my clothes. "Uh Kye. . . I need help. . ."

"Oh right," he says with his cheeks starting to turn red as he walks back over. Trying not to hurt me, he slowly takes off my shirt and then helps me stand up so that I can hop out of my sweatpants. We slip into an awkward silence as he steps in the shower and tries to help me in without looking at me.

Once I'm in the shower after the failed past four attempts, I sit on the ground with Kye behind me. I pass him the shampoo and conditioner for him to wash my hair while I reach for the shower gel to scrub away the stench and replace it with a lavender smell.

"Now I know why you smell so good," Kye whispers into my ear as he rinses the shampoo out of my hair. My cheeks heat up no doubt turning a nice shade of tomato red. I stay quiet not trusting myself to speak at the moment afraid unintelligible words would come out. We continue to do what we were doing until we were done and the water turned cold before we got out. He helped me out and dried off my hair before leaving to go get my clothes and bring them back for me to change into.

"Hey Kye," I say quietly touching his arm lightly to stop him from walking away, "Thanks."

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Author's Note: So sorry about the very late update you guys! I had to deal with a lot of things, and these past few weeks were really hars for me because my disorders said "you know what, she's fine so let's screw it all up." I did want to update at an early time, but I just didn't have it in me. Again I'm super sorry about that. Love you all XOXO!

~jnicoleb1234 out!

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