Chapter 32: Guns are Blazing

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"I've come too far to go back now/ To turn into a face in the crowd/ Been on this road for so long, for so long, for so long/ Convinced there is no way out/ My world is turned upside down/ My sense of direction's been gone, for so long, for so long" ~ Our Last Night, Same Old War, Oak Islands

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The lump that was a person next to me turned over on his side facing the window, but it still caused me to hold my breath just the same.  I didn't want him to see me awake again because he may do more than chastise me this time.  When I was sure he wasn't going to wake up, I let out the breath I was holding and went to pull the covers off of me before I stopped.  My attention then shifted to the thin silver band that rested on my left ring finger along with the small diamond that rested delicately on the middle of it.  I closed my eyes briefly and wondered how I got myself into this situation, but I already know the answer to that question.

Thoughts float around lazily in my head about the things that happened this past month that I had to do or what I had to feel.  I wish I could pour bleach on my brain to erase it all from memory, but there is a part of me that still wants to remember.  All I do know is that my friends are going to be released soon and that they will at least be okay.  The only thing I'm truly worried about is that when someone comes to get me out and Hunter decides to go with the murder suicide route so that we'd still be together.  That thought makes a shiver run down my spine.

"I assume that princess didn't go to sleep again last night?" Hunter mumbles out turning over and opening one eye to look at me.  Little hints of sunlight filtered in through the window shining on him that makes me want to release a strangled chuckle out at the irony of that.  "Being silent again are we, or are you finally going to tell me what's really bothering you."

"For some reason I feel like something really awful is about to happen, but I don't know why.  There is a feeling of dread that is sitting like a heavy stone in the pit of my stomach that hasn't gone away for a week.  It's making me feel a bit sick, and I want it to go away," I tell him bringing the covers closer to my chin and trying to bury myself in them even though I know it will do absolutely nothing to help me.  This feeling has been bothering me for over a week now, but I was afraid that he'd move us throwing off investigators and making it harder for them to find us.

"You shouldn't be worrying and losing sleep over something you don't know the cause of.  It could just be something stupid or maybe you could be getting sick," he said leaning over and reaching out with his hand to feel my forehead for a fever much like how a mother would do for her child.

"I am not sick Hunter," I say swatting his hand away causing a smile to grow on his face probably thinking that I look cute right now, "Haven't you ever heard somebody say to trust your gut?  I really do think that something bad may happen, but I just don't know what it is."

"Well if you're right and something bad does end up happening, I'll make sure that nothing bad happens to you and that you won't get hurt," Hunter told me in what should be a reassuring manner as he pulled me closer to him and put my head on his chest.

"Well that's reassuring," I mutter out a bit sarcastically, but my words were muffled and lost with the noise of a knock coming from the door that echoed throughout the room.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you Mister and Mistress, but we believe we have gained information of a rescue team being formed by the police station that may or may not know our location," the guard said bowing before coming into the room and pulling out a tablet, "This map shows where the five groups are going to be searching, and one of the groups happens to be a good twenty or so minutes walk away form us.  If they have actual binoculars, then they are bound to see this house and come investigate leading them to find us here."

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