Chapter 33: Hand Off!

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"Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear/ You were comforting and quiet/ How did love become so violent?" ~ Melanie Martinez, Teddy Bear, Cry Baby

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"You're wife?  What the hell do you mean I shot your wife?" Kye shouted out in rage running over and shoving Hunter out of the way causing me to be knocked to the ground spreading blood all over the grass and leaves and getting dirt in my wound.  I whimpered out in pain, but it fell upon deaf ears as they tried to fight each other over me.

"Exactly what I said dumbass!  Get out of my way so that I can get to her and try to stop the bleeding as best as I can," Hunter says trying to move away from Kye to come to my side before Kye knees him where the sun doesn't shine.

"You are not allowed to touch her!  Your family has caused so much pain in her life, yet now you're going to feed me this bullshit lie just to try and keep her with you!" Kye exclaimed pushing Hunter to the ground and kicking him in the ribs.  "Where are the other hiding at?  Where did you put my daughter?"

"I'm not telling you anything until you let me help Imogen!  You say that you care about her when you're the one that just shot her in the chest and then knocked her to the ground," Hunter spits out at him pulling a switchblade out of his boot to cur at Kye's arms momentarily distracting him enough to get away from him and over to me.  He cuts a piece of his shirt off with the blade to wrap around the wound trying to stop the blood flow and securing it with a shoe lace from his shoe.

"How are you holding up Imogen?" he asks me before he gets knocked to the side once again by Kye who has wrapped his own injuries.

"You guys need to stop this shit right now," I manage to gasp out despite the horrible pain I felt in my chest, "If you both really cared about me, then you would put aside your rivalry for and hour or so and take me to the hospital so that I don't bleed out to death!"  I was in so much pain that I couldn't say anymore than that and felt my face contort in a way that would convey what I was going through.

"She's right you know because if we don't get her there within the hour, then she will probably die," Kye says moving around to pick me up in his arms to start carrying me in the direction that he came from.

"Where do you think you're going?" Hunter asked getting up from the ground and jogging to catch up to us.

"Taking her to the cops so that we can get her to a hospital faster," Kye says not looking back at him but scrunching up his face all the same.

"You do realize that some are probably dead and that it'll take a while for them to notice you, right?  There is actually a hospital not that far from here if we go the other way because I do have a truck parked a little ways up," Hunter says turning Kye around and pointing in the direction he was talking about.  "If we go there now and hurry, then we can get there in about twenty minutes."

"I rather go that way if it'll get me to the hospital faster," I mummer out before closing my eyes and trying to go to sleep.

"Imogen stay with us you can't fall asleep," Kye says starting to break out in a jog before sprinting a bit to keep up with Hunter as he lead us to the truck.  His grip on me tightened so much that I thought I would get bruises, but I knew it was because he didn't want to drop me as he ran.

"I'm not sleeping; I'm just resting my eyes for a bit," I mumble out just as we managed to reach the truck that Hunter was talking about.  I opened my eyes and saw a rusty red two person truck and immediately thought if it would actually run.

"How are we going to even fit in that tiny ass thing called a truck?" Kye asked taking a step back as Hunter opened the passenger door for Kye to get in with me.

"We'll lay her across our laps with her head in your lap," Hunter replies jumping into the driver's seat and grabbing my legs to help me and Kye get into the truck.  Once we're in the truck but not even buckled, Hunter started the truck and took off towards where he said the hospital was.  He zig-zagged between cars as often as he was able to, but sometimes he couldn't escape the pot holes which caused me to groan out in pain and more blood to spew out of the hole in my body.  Every now and then, they both let out curses if a light turned red or if they couldn't move around slowly moving cars.

"Are we almost there yet?" I don't know how much longer I can stand it," I whisper barely even able to speak or get the words out.

"We're pulling in right now just hang in there; you'll be fine once we get you some help," Hunter says pulling into a parking spot and turning off the car before we all got out and ran to the front door of the hospital.

"She needs medical attention fast; she was shot in the chest!" Kye shouts our running into the emergency room getting the attention of a few nurses and one doctor.

"How long ago was she shot?" one of them asked running over to take me from Kye's arms while the other two rolled over a stretcher towards us.

"Maybe twenty minutes ago, but she's lost a lot of blood.  We tried to stop it as best as we could before driving her here," Hunter told her pointing to the red piece of fabric that used to be a light gray color.

"That piece of fabric and shoe lace is probably the only reason she hasn't bled out yet," the doctor said walking up to them and leading us all away to an operating room, "She'll definitely need a blood transfusion for surgery in order to keep her alive.  Do either of you know her blood type?  I would ask her, but I don't think she can speak comfortably at the moment."

"I'm pretty sure she's A negative," Kye says leaving me a bit surprised since I didn't tell him my blood type.

"Doctor, I'm afraid that we don't have time to call the blood bank and have them send the blood over because she could die in that time," one of the nurses pushing the stretcher said.  "We'll need blood from one of them."

"I can donate blood; I have type O," Hunter says rolling up his sleeves just as Kye shook his head no indicating that he couldn't donate.

"Okay sir, you'll have to come with me," a nurse said taking Hunter away down another hall as we reached the operating room and Kye was left standing outside the doors staring after me still covered in my blood.

"We'll be putting you under anesthesia now dear before we start operating," the nurse said placing a mask over me as another begin to cut away my clothing, "What's you name dear?"

"Imogen Blackburn," I whisper out before I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head as the operation to save my life once again began.

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